Dasar — is an acronym for Darkness Amplification by Stimulated Absorption of Radiation. It is a little used expression describing the anomalous interstellar formaldehyde absorption discovered by Palmer et al. in 1969.[1][2] See also Astrophysical maser… … Wikipedia
DASAR — (Dâstâr) f. Tellal, simsar … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
Chembai discography — This is a listing of the commercially published recordings of Chembai Vaidyanatha Bhagavatar (1895 1974). Contents 1 Gurusmarana 2 Chembai The Greatest 3 Live Concert1 4 Classical Live Concert … Wikipedia
Chembai — Vaidyanatha Bhagavatar A statue of Vaidyanatha Bhagavatar at Chembai (Kottayi), Palakkad Background information Birth name Vaidyanathan Born … Wikipedia
ИНДОНЕЗИЯ — Республика Индонезия (Republik Indonesia), гос во в Юго Вост. Азии, на о вах Малайского архипелага. Площ. 1904,3 тыс. км2. Нас. ок. 98 млн. чел. (1962). Столица г. Джакарта. Нас. говорит более чем на 150 языках и диалектах. Гос. язык… … Советская историческая энциклопедия
Malaysia — This article is about the country. For the biogeographical region, see Malesia. Malaysia … Wikipedia
The Myth — The Myth, la légende d un héros immortel Données clés Titre original The Myth Réalisation Stanley Tong Scénario Stanley Tong, Li Hai shu, Wang Hui Ling Pays d’origine Hong Kong Sortie … Wikipédia en Français
École primaire en Indonésie — L école primaire (Sekolah Dasar ou SD en abrégé) est le premier cycle du système d éducation formelle en vigueur en Indonésie. Il dure 6 ans de la classe un, Kelas satu à la classe six, Kelas enam. À l issue de la sixième année, les élèves se… … Wikipédia en Français
Red Herring (magazine) — Red Herring is a weekly magazine focused on the business of funding, building, and taking new technologies to market. It also sponsors a number of conferences designed to bring venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, and technologists together. It is … Wikipedia
Pancasila (politics) — Pancasila, (pronounced IPA2|panʧaˈsila), is the official philosophical foundation of the Indonesian state. Pancasila consists of two Sanskrit words, panca meaning five, and sila meaning principles. It comprises five principles held to be… … Wikipedia
M. Nasroen — (1907 1968) was an Indonesian scholar in the field of philosophy. He is most famous for having identified and classified Indonesian philosophy as being separate and different from Western and Eastern philosophy. Nasroen reached the peak of his… … Wikipedia