- dangerously
- опасно, угрожающе;
в опасном положении или состоянии - * ill опасно болен - he was * near the edge он стоял на самом краю;
казалось, он вот-вот упадет
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Dangerously — may refer to: Jesse Dangerously (born 1979), a Canadian alternative hip hop artist Johnny Dangerously, a fictional character See also Dangerous (disambiguation) This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
dangerously — [adv] precariously alarmingly, carelessly, critically, daringly, desperately, gravely, harmfully, hazardously, perilously, precariously, recklessly, riskily, seriously, severely, unsafely, unsecurely; concept 548 Ant. carefully, on guard, safely … New thesaurus
dangerously — UK [ˈdeɪndʒərəslɪ] / US adverb 1) to such a degree that harm, death, damage, or destruction is possible dangerously low/high/hot etc: Her blood pressure was climbing dangerously high. dangerously close/near: He was standing dangerously close to… … English dictionary
dangerously — dan|ger|ous|ly [ deındʒərəsli ] adverb 1. ) to such a degree that harm, death, damage, or destruction is possible: dangerously low/high/hot etc.: Her blood pressure was climbing dangerously high. dangerously close/near: He was standing… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dangerously — adv. Dangerously is used with these adjectives: ↑close, ↑complacent, ↑exposed, ↑fast, ↑ill, ↑low, ↑misleading, ↑quiet, ↑radioactive, ↑seductive, ↑simplistic, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
dangerously — dangerous ► ADJECTIVE 1) likely to cause harm. 2) likely to cause problems. DERIVATIVES dangerously adverb dangerousness noun … English terms dictionary
dangerously — adverb in a dangerous manner (Freq. 2) he came dangerously close to falling off the ledge • Syn: ↑perilously, ↑hazardously • Derived from adjective: ↑dangerous, ↑hazardous (f … Useful english dictionary
Dangerously in Love — Album par Beyoncé Knowles Sortie 22 juin 2003 (Voir historique des sorties) Enregistrement 2002 à mars 2003 Patchwerk Studios (Atlanta (Géorgie)) … Wikipédia en Français
Dangerously in Love 2 — Song by Beyoncé from the album Dangerously in Love Recorded SugarHill Studios (Houston, Texas) Genre R B, soul, quiet st … Wikipedia
Dangerously in Love (Album) — Dangerously in Love Studioalbum von Beyoncé Veröffentlichung 2003 Label Columbia / Sony … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dangerously in Love 2 — Dangerously in Love Песня Destiny s Child с альбома «Survivor» Выпущена 1 мая 2001r. Записана 2000r./2001r … Википедия