Смотреть что такое "danalite" в других словарях:
Danalite — General Category Sodalite Feldspathoid Chemical formula Fe2+4Be3(SiO … Wikipedia
Danalite — Da na*lite, n. [Named after James Dwight Dana.] (Min.) A mineral occuring in octahedral crystals, also massive, of a reddish color. It is a silicate of iron, zinc manganese, and glucinum, containing sulphur. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
danalite — ● danalite nom féminin (de J. F. Dana, nom propre) Silicate sulfurifère naturel de fer, de zinc, de béryllium et de manganèse … Encyclopédie Universelle
danalite — da·na·lite … English syllables
danalite — ˈdānəˌlīt noun ( s) Etymology: James D. Dana died 1895 American geologist + English lite : a mineral (Fe,Zn,Mn)8Be8Si6O24S2 that consists of a reddish or gray silicate and sulfide of iron and beryllium usually containing also zinc and manganese… … Useful english dictionary
Даналит — Формула Fe2+4Be3(SiO4)3S Примесь Mn, Zn, Аl до 4,2 % Синг … Википедия
List of minerals C-E (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… … Wikipedia
Даналит — [по фам. Дэна] м л, Fe6[Sj2(BeSiO4)6]. Конечный член полного изоморфного ряда: Д. гельвин гент гельвин. См. Гельвина группа. Редкий. Геологический словарь: в 2 х томах. М.: Недра. Под редакцией К. Н. Паффенгольца и др.. 1978 … Геологическая энциклопедия
beryllium — Glucinum Glu*ci num, n. [Cf. F. glucinium, glycium, fr. Gr. ?, sweet. Cf. {Glycerin}.] (Chem.) A rare metallic element, of a silver white color, and low specific gravity (2.1), resembling magnesium. It never occurs naturally in the free state,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
glucinium — Glucinum Glu*ci num, n. [Cf. F. glucinium, glycium, fr. Gr. ?, sweet. Cf. {Glycerin}.] (Chem.) A rare metallic element, of a silver white color, and low specific gravity (2.1), resembling magnesium. It never occurs naturally in the free state,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Glucinum — Glu*ci num, n. [Cf. F. glucinium, glycium, fr. Gr. ?, sweet. Cf. {Glycerin}.] (Chem.) A rare metallic element, of a silver white color, and low specific gravity (2.1), resembling magnesium. It never occurs naturally in the free state, but is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English