dan buoy
Смотреть что такое "dan buoy" в других словарях:
dan buoy — ˈdan+ˌ noun Usage: sometimes capitalized D Etymology: origin unknown : a floating temporary marker buoy (as one used on fishing grounds or in minesweeping and antisubmarine warfare operations) * * * /dan/ a temporary buoy having a staff for… … Useful english dictionary
dan buoy — /dan/ a temporary buoy having a staff for carrying a flag or light. [1680 90; orig. uncert.] * * * … Universalium
dan buoy — noun A small buoy, made of cork with a small flag, used to temporarily mark a position at sea, normally to mark a fishing ground or a minesweeping area … Wiktionary
datum dan buoy — atskaitos plūduras statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Laivyno minų kare – plūduras, kuris kaip geografinis ar kontrolinis taškas turi būti geriau matomas ir tvirčiau pritvirtintas negu paprastas plūduras. atitikmenys: angl. datum dan buoy pranc … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Buoy — A buoy is a floating device that can have many different purposes, which determine whether the buoy is anchored (stationary) or allowed to drift. The word, of Old French or Middle Dutch origin, is nowadays most commonly pronEng|ˈbɔɪ (identical… … Wikipedia
dan — dan1 noun any of ten degrees of advanced proficiency in judo or karate. ↘a person who has achieved a dan. Origin 1940s: from Japanese. dan2 (also dan buoy) noun a small temporary marker buoy with a lightweight flagpole. Origin C17: of unknown… … English new terms dictionary
DAN — 1. n. 1 any of twelve degrees of advanced proficiency in judo. 2 a person who has achieved any of these. Etymology: Jap. 2. n. (in full dan buoy) a small buoy used as a marker in deep sea fishing, or to mark the limits of an area cleared by… … Useful english dictionary
Dan. — abbr. Daniel (Old Testament). * * * 1. Bible. Daniel (def. 1). 2. Also, Dan Danish. * * * abbrev 1. (the Book of) Daniel (Bible) 2. Danish * * * dan1 « … Useful english dictionary
bouée dan repère — atskaitos plūduras statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Laivyno minų kare – plūduras, kuris kaip geografinis ar kontrolinis taškas turi būti geriau matomas ir tvirčiau pritvirtintas negu paprastas plūduras. atitikmenys: angl. datum dan buoy pranc … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Life buoy — Life Life (l[imac]f), n.; pl. {Lives} (l[imac]vz). [AS. l[imac]f; akin to D. lijf body, G. leib body, MHG. l[imac]p life, body, OHG. l[imac]b life, Icel. l[imac]f, life, body, Sw. lif, Dan. liv, and E. live, v. [root]119. See {Live}, and cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Nut buoy — Nut Nut (n[u^]t), n. [OE. nute, note, AS. hnutu; akin to D. noot, G. nuss, OHG. nuz, Icel. hnot, Sw. n[ o]t, Dan. n[ o]d.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) The fruit of certain trees and shrubs (as of the almond, walnut, hickory, beech, filbert, etc.),… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English