dammar varnish
Смотреть что такое "dammar varnish" в других словарях:
Dammar gum — Dammar resin from the tree Canarium strictum Dammar gum is obtained from the Dipterocarpaceae family of trees in India and East Asia, principally those of the genera Shorea, Balanocarpus or Hopea. Most is produced by tapping trees; however, some… … Wikipedia
Varnish — is a transparent, hard, protective finish or film primarily used in wood finishing but also for other materials. Varnish is traditionally a combination of a drying oil, a resin, and a thinner or solvent. Varnish finishes are usually glossy but… … Wikipedia
dammar — or dammer [dam′ər] n. [Malay dāmar] 1. any of various resins from evergreen trees (genus Agathis) of Australia, New Zealand, and East Indies, used in making varnish, lacquers, etc. 2. any of various natural resins from trees (esp. genera Shorea… … English World dictionary
dammar — /dam ahr, euhr, deuh mahr /, n. 1. Also called gum dammar. a copallike resin derived largely from dipterocarpaceous trees of southern Asia, esp. Malaya and Sumatra, and used chiefly for making colorless varnish. 2. any of various similar resins… … Universalium
varnish — varnisher, n. varnishy, adj. /vahr nish/, n. 1. a preparation consisting of resinous matter, as copal or lac, dissolved in an oil (oil varnish) or in alcohol (spirit varnish) or other volatile liquid. When applied to the surface of wood, metal,… … Universalium
dammar — n. hard resin used in making varnish … English contemporary dictionary
dammar — [ damə] (also damar) noun resin obtained from various mainly Indo Malaysian trees, used to make varnish. Origin C17: from Malay damar resin … English new terms dictionary
dammar — /ˈdæmə/ (say damuh) noun 1. a copal like resin chiefly from trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae in southern Asia, especially Malaya and Sumatra, much used for making colourless varnish. 2. any of various similar resins from trees of other… …
dammar — n. 1 any E. Asian tree, esp. one of the genus Agathis or Shorea, yielding a resin used in varnish making. 2 this resin. Etymology: Malay damar … Useful english dictionary
Piney dammar — Piney Pin ey, a. [Of East Indian origin.] A term used in designating an East Indian tree (the {Vateria Indica} or piney tree, of the order {Dipterocarpe[ae]}, which grows in Malabar, etc.) or its products. [1913 Webster] {Piney dammar}, {Piney… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
white dammar — Piney Pin ey, a. [Of East Indian origin.] A term used in designating an East Indian tree (the {Vateria Indica} or piney tree, of the order {Dipterocarpe[ae]}, which grows in Malabar, etc.) or its products. [1913 Webster] {Piney dammar}, {Piney… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English