Смотреть что такое "dame-school" в других словарях:
Dame School — Une Dame school de Nouvelle Angleterre. 1713, Bettman archive. On désigne sous le nom de Dame schools les premières écoles primaires privées dans les pays de langue anglaise. C étaient d ordinaire des femmes qui enseignaient à leur propre… … Wikipédia en Français
dame-school — dame′ school n. edu (formerly) a school in which children were taught by a woman in her own home • Etymology: 1810–20 … From formal English to slang
Dame school — A New England Dame school in old colonial times . 1713. Bettman Archive A Dame School was an early form of a private elementary school in English speaking countries. They were usually taught by women and were often located in the home of the… … Wikipedia
Dame school — Une Dame school de Nouvelle Angleterre. 1713, Bettman archive. On désigne sous le nom de Dame schools les premières écoles primaires privées dans les pays de langue anglaise. C étaient d ordinaire des femmes qui enseignaient à leur propre… … Wikipédia en Français
dame school — ˈdām noun : a school in which the rudiments of reading and writing were taught to small children by a woman in her own home the other girls in the dame school which she attended S.H.Adams * * * dame school, Obsolete. an elementary school for… … Useful english dictionary
dame-school — /daym skoohl /, n. (formerly) a school in which the rudiments of reading, writing, and arithmetic were taught to neighborhood children by a woman in her own home. [1810 20] * * * dameˈ school noun (historical) A school for young children, usu… … Useful english dictionary
dame school — ▪ education small private school for young children run by women; such schools were the precursors of nursery, or infant, schools in England and colonial America. They existed in England possibly before the 16th century in both towns and… … Universalium
dame school — noun Date: 1810 a school in which the rudiments of reading and writing were taught by a woman in her own home … New Collegiate Dictionary
dame-school — /daym skoohl /, n. (formerly) a school in which the rudiments of reading, writing, and arithmetic were taught to neighborhood children by a woman in her own home. [1810 20] * * * … Universalium
dame school — noun historical a small primary school run by elderly women … English new terms dictionary
dame school — /ˈdeɪm skul/ (say daym skoohl) noun (formerly) a small school for young children, run by a woman …