Смотреть что такое "damascened" в других словарях:
damascened — adj. decorated or inlaid with a wavy pattern of different (especially precious) metals; of metallic objects; as, a damascened sword. Syn: damascene. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
damascened — nd adjective 1. a. : decorated with wavy patterns damascened swords b. : decorated with inlaid work of precious metals paintings with damascened gold backgrounds 2. : having an interwoven texture that resembles the markings of a damascened gun… … Useful english dictionary
damascened — adjective decorated with wavy patterns of inlay or etching See Also: damascene … Wiktionary
damascened — dam·a·scene || dæmÉ™siËn(d) v. create wavy lines on Damascus steel adj. of or pertaining to damask fabric; of or pertaining to the decoration of metal with wavy patterns … English contemporary dictionary
damascened — [ daməsi:nd, ˌdamə si:nd] adjective 1》 (of iron or steel) given a wavy pattern by hammer welding and repeated heating and forging. 2》 (of a metal object) inlaid with gold or silver … English new terms dictionary
Damascene — Dam as*cene (d[a^]m as*s[=e]n ), v. t. Same as {Damask}, or {Damaskeen}, v. t. Damascened armor. Beaconsfield. Cast and damascened steel. Ure. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Damascening — For Damascened steel, see Damascus steel. For patterns on watch movements, see Damaskeening. Some examples of damascening labour. Damascening is the art of inlaying different metals into one another typically, gold or silver into a darkly… … Wikipedia
metalwork — metalworker, n. /met l werrk /, n. objects made of metal. [1840 50; METAL + WORK] * * * Useful and decorative objects fashioned of various metals. The oldest technique is hammering. After с 2500 BC, casting was also used, molten metal being… … Universalium
damascening — ▪ art art of encrusting gold, silver, or copper wire on the surface of iron, steel, bronze, or brass. A narrow undercut is made in the surface of the metal with a chisel and the wire forced into the undercut by means of a hammer. The name… … Universalium
Damascene — [dam′ə sēn΄, dam΄ə sēn′] adj. [L Damascenus, of Damascus] 1. of Damascus or its people or culture 2. [d ] of damascening or damask n. 1. a person born or living in Damascus 2. [d ] damascened work 3. [d ] a small plum: see DAMSON … English World dictionary
dam|a|scen|ing — «DAM uh SEE nihng, DAM uh SEE », noun. 1. the making of damascened metal or articles. 2. a damascened design, pattern, etc … Useful english dictionary