- cytopathology
- цитопатология
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Cytopathology — A pair of micrographs of a cytopathology specimen showing a 3 dimensional cluster of cancerous cells (serous carcinoma) Cytopathology (from Greek κύτος, kytos, a hollow ;[1] πάθος, pathos … Wikipedia
cytopathology — noun Date: 1936 a branch of pathology that deals with manifestations of disease at the cellular level • cytopathologist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
cytopathology — cytopathologic /suy toh path euh loj ik/, cytopathological, adj. cytopathologically, adv. cytopathologist, n. /suy toh peuh thol euh jee/, n. Pathol. the science dealing with the study of the diseases of cells. [1935 40; CYTO + PATHOLOGY] * * * … Universalium
cytopathology — noun The branch of pathology that deals with abnormalities of cells … Wiktionary
cytopathology — 1. The study of disease changes within individual cells or cell types. 2. SYN: exfoliative cytology. * * * cy·to·pa·thol·o·gy pə thäl ə jē, pa n, pl gies a branch of pathology that deals with manifestations of disease at the cellular level… … Medical dictionary
cytopathology — n. study of cellular diseases … English contemporary dictionary
cytopathology — cy·to·pathology … English syllables
cytopathology — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷+ noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary cyt + pathology : a branch of pathology that deals with manifestations of disease on the cellular level * * * cytopathologic /suy toh path euh loj ik/, cytopathological, adj.… … Useful english dictionary
American Society of Cytopathology — The American Society of Cytopathology (ASC), founded in 1951, is a national professional society of physicians, cytotechnologists and scientists who are dedicated to the cytologic method of diagnostic pathology … Wikipedia
cellular pathology — cytopathology … Medical dictionary
Anatomical pathology — Histopathology: microscopic appearance of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. The slide is stained with Haematoxylin Eosin … Wikipedia