
pl от cyma

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cymae" в других словарях:

  • Marcus Gavius Apicius — For the cookbook see Apicius. For other people named Apicius see Apicius (disambiguation) Marcus Gavius Apicius is believed to have been a Roman gourmet and lover of luxury, who lived sometime in the 1st century AD, during the reign of Tiberius.… …   Wikipedia

  • cyma — /suy meuh/, n., pl. cymae / mee/, cymas. 1. Archit. either of two moldings having a partly convex and partly concave curve for an outline: used esp. in classical architecture. Cf. cyma recta, cyma reversa. 2. Bot. a cyme. [1555 65; < NL < Gk kyma …   Universalium

  • CUMAE — it. CUME Ptol. Cymae Livio, l. 37. c. 11. Cyme Melae, l. 1. c. 18. Civitas Episcopalis Campaniae ad mare iuxta Puteolos, a Cumaeis Asiae populis et Chalcidensibus, colonia ex Euboea insul. iam ante bellum Troianum, si Virgilio fides deducta,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Cyrtandra malacophylla C.B. Clarke var. erosa Rock — Symbol CYPL5 Synonym Symbol CYMAE Botanical Family Gesneriaceae …   Scientific plant list

  • cyma — /ˈsaɪmə/ (say suymuh) noun (plural cymae /ˈsaɪmi/ (say suymee) or cymas /ˈsaɪməz/ (say suymuhz)) 1. Architecture a projecting moulding whose profile is a compound biconcave curve. It is called a cyma recta when the projective part is concave and… …  

  • chou — Un Chou, ou Choul, Brassica, Picardis Colet. Il vient de Caulis. Choux, ou Chouls crespus, Brassica Apiana, quam et Selinoidem Cato appellat Brassica crispa. Choux rouges, Brassica Sabellica, siue Marucina, Crambe. Choux cabus, Brassica capitata …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • cymettes — Cymettes, Quand d un choul on a rompu et mangé les grandes fueilles, on n arrache pas le tronc, car puis apres il rejette et produit de petits tendrons, qui sont fort bons à manger. Ces rejettons ou petits tendrons se nomment Cymettes, Cymae,… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • cyma — [sī′mə] n. pl. cymae [sī′mē] [ModL < Gr kyma: see CYME] Archit. a molding of a cornice, whose profile is a line partly convex and partly concave …   English World dictionary

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