cylindrical vortex

cylindrical vortex
мат. цилиндрический вихрь

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cylindrical vortex" в других словарях:

  • Vortex shedding — is an unsteady flow that takes place in special flow velocities (according to the size and shape of the cylindrical body). In this flow, vortices are created at the back of the body and detach periodically from either side of the body. See Von… …   Wikipedia

  • Vortex induced vibration — Vortex induced vibrations (VIV) are motions induced on bodies facing an external flow by periodical irregularities on this flow. The classical example is the VIV of an underwater cylinder. You can see how this happens by putting a cylinder into… …   Wikipedia

  • Cylindrical coordinate system — A cylindrical coordinate system with origin O, polar axis A, and longitudinal axis L. The dot is the point with radial distance ρ = 4, angular coordinate φ = 130°, and height z = 4. A cylindrical coordinate system is …   Wikipedia

  • vortex — i. In meteorology, any rotary flow in the atmosphere. ii. As used in aerodynamics, circular patterns of air created by the movement of an airfoil through the air when generating lift. As an airfoil moves through the atmosphere in sustained flight …   Aviation dictionary

  • Kármán vortex street — A Kármán vortex street is a repeating pattern of swirling vortices caused by the unsteady separation of flow over bluff bodies. They are named after the engineer and fluid dynamicist, Theodore von Kármán [Theodore von Kármán: Aerodynamics]… …   Wikipedia

  • Helikon vortex separation process — The Helikon vortex separation process is an aerodynamic uranium enrichment process designed around a device called a vortex tube. This method was designed and used in South Africa for producing reactor fuel with a uranium 235 content of around… …   Wikipedia

  • Von Kármán vortex street — noun a double row of vortices in a fluid sometimes found in the wake of a cylindrical body (such as in a river, downstream of a bridge support), eddies being produced from alternate sides of the body Syn: Kármán vortex street …   Wiktionary

  • Dylan Morgan — John Dylan Morgan (3 May 1946 5 March 2011) was a physicist, hypnotherapist and author. He developed a theoretical approach to hypnotherapy which he published in his book Principles of Hypnotherapy.[1] He also made important contributions in… …   Wikipedia

  • Surfing — This article is about stand up ocean surfing. For other uses, see Surfing (disambiguation). A surfer performing a late drop …   Wikipedia

  • fluid mechanics — an applied science dealing with the basic principles of gaseous and liquid matter. Cf. fluid dynamics. [1940 45] * * * Study of the effects of forces and energy on liquids and gases. One branch of the field, hydrostatics, deals with fluids at… …   Universalium

  • tornado — tornadic /tawr nad ik, nay dik/, adj. tornadolike, adj. /tawr nay doh/, n., pl. tornadoes, tornados. 1. a localized, violently destructive windstorm occurring over land, esp. in the Middle West, and characterized by a long, funnel shaped cloud… …   Universalium

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