cylindrical shape
Смотреть что такое "cylindrical shape" в других словарях:
cylindrical — [sə lin′dri kəl] adj. of or having the shape of a cylinder: also cylindric cylindricality [sə lin΄drikal′ə tē] n. cylindrically adv … English World dictionary
Cylindrical grinder — The cylindrical grinder is a type of grinding machine used to shape the outside of an object. The cylindrical grinder can work on a variety of shapes, however the object must have a central axis of rotation. This includes but is not limited to… … Wikipedia
cylindrical — [[t]sɪlɪ̱ndrɪk(ə)l[/t]] ADJ Something that is cylindrical is in the shape of a cylinder. ...a cylindrical aluminium container... It is cylindrical in shape … English dictionary
shape — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 physical outline ADJECTIVE ▪ basic, simple ▪ The children cut the paper into various simple shapes. ▪ overall ▪ characteristic, distinctive … Collocations dictionary
cylindrical — cylinder ► NOUN 1) a three dimensional shape with straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross section. 2) a piston chamber in a steam or internal combustion engine. 3) a cylindrical container for liquefied gas under pressure. 4) a… … English terms dictionary
cylindrical — adj. Cylindrical is used with these nouns: ↑shape … Collocations dictionary
cylindrical — cy|lin|dri|cal [sıˈlındrıkəl] adj in the shape of a cylinder ▪ a cylindrical oil tank … Dictionary of contemporary English
cylindrical — adjective in the shape of a cylinder: A huge cylindrical oil tank stood beside the engine … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Shape — angled: (L): anguli ; (G): gonio bent: (G): ancylo ; (G): campto ; (G): campylo ; (G): cypho blunt: (G): ambly ; (L): obtus ; (L): retus broad: (see wide) circular: (see round) clubbed: (L): clavat ; (G): rhopalo closed: (G): clisto coiled: (see… … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
Mir — This article is about the Soviet/Russian space station. For other uses, see Mir (disambiguation). Mir … Wikipedia
Nuclear weapon design — The first nuclear weapons, though large, cumbersome and inefficient, provided the basic design building blocks of all future weapons. Here the Gadget device is prepared for the first nuclear test: Trinity. Nuclear weapon designs are physical,… … Wikipedia