Смотреть что такое "cyclotomy" в других словарях:
cyclotomy — /suy klot euh mee/, n., pl. cyclotomies. 1. Surg. incision of the ciliary muscle. 2. Geom. the process of dividing a circle into a specific number of equal parts. [1875 80; CYCLO + TOMY] * * * … Universalium
cyclotomy — noun a) surgical removal of the ciliary muscle; cyclicotomy b) the historical problems of dividing the circle into a given number of equal segments, and of constructing … Wiktionary
cyclotomy — Operation of cutting the ciliary muscle. [cyclo + G. tome, incision] * * * cy·clot·o·my sī klät ə mē n, pl mies incision or division of the ciliary body * * * cy·clot·o·my (si klotґə me) [cyclo + tomy] division of or incision of the ciliary… … Medical dictionary
cyclotomy — n. surgical operation on the ciliary eye muscle … English contemporary dictionary
cyclotomy — cy·clot·o·my … English syllables
cyclotomy — n. incision into ciliary muscle. ♦ cyclotome, n. instrument used in this. ♦ cyclotomic, a … Dictionary of difficult words
cyclotomy — sīkläd.əmē noun ( es) Etymology: cycl + tomy 1. : the mathematical theory of the division of the circle into equal parts or of the construction of regular polygons or analytically of the extraction of the nth roots of 1 2. : incision or division… … Useful english dictionary
Primality test — A primality test is an algorithm for determining whether an input number is prime. Amongst other fields of mathematics, it is used for cryptography. Unlike integer factorization, primality tests do not generally give prime factors, only stating… … Wikipedia
Jacobi sum — In mathematics, a Jacobi sum is a type of character sum formed with one or more Dirichlet characters. The simplest example would be for a Dirichlet character χ modulo a prime number p . Then take: J (χ) = Σ χ( a )χ(1 − a ) where the summation… … Wikipedia
cyclotome — cy·clo·tome sī klə .tōm n a knife used in cyclotomy * * * cy·clo·tome (siґklo tōm) [cyclo + tome] a cutting instrument for use in cyclotomy or other operations upon the eye … Medical dictionary
cyclotomic — I. | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at cyclo +|tämik adjective : of or relating to cyclotomy II. adjective : relating to, being, or containing a polynomial of the form xp 1 + x … Useful english dictionary