- cyclopaedia
- ˌsaɪkləuˈpi:djə сущ.;
сокр. от encyclop(а) edia энциклопедия энциклопедия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Cyclopaedia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Portada de la Cyclopaedia de Ephraim Chambers (1728) … Wikipedia Español
Cyclopaedia — Cyclopaedia, 1728, Titelblatt Die Cyclopaedia ist eine Enzyklopädie von Ephraim Chambers. Er veröffentlichte 1728 in London die zweibändige Cyclopædia, or, An universal dictionary of arts and sciences : containing the definitions of the… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cyclopaedia — Cyclopaedia, o Diccionario Universal de Artes y Ciencias, conteniendo una explicación de los términos y una cuenta de los significados de las cosas en las varias artes, tanto liberales y mecánicas, y varias ciencias, lo humano y lo Divino, (2… … Enciclopedia Universal
Cyclopaedia — Tableau anatomique dans la Cyclopaedia. Dictionnaire universel anglais en 2 volumes, la Cyclopaedia ou Dictionnaire universel des arts et des sciences d Ephraim Chambers, parut à Londres en 1728 et fut souvent réédité. Diderot … Wikipédia en Français
Cyclopaedia — Cyclopedia Cy clo*pe di*a Cyclopaedia Cy clo*p[ae] di*a(s? kl? p? d? ?), n. [NL., from Gr. ky klos circle + paidei a the bringing up of a child, education, erudition, fr. paidey ein to bring up a child. See {Cycle}, and cf. {Encyclopedia},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cyclopaedia — cy·clo·pae·di·a (sī klə pēʹdē ə) n. Variant of cyclopedia. * * * ▪ English encyclopaedia two volume, alphabetically arranged encyclopaedia compiled and edited by the English encyclopaedist Ephraim Chambers (Chambers, Ephraim) and first… … Universalium
Cyclopaedia, or Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences — Cyclopaedia: or, A Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences (folio, 2 vols.) was an encyclopedia published by Ephraim Chambers in London in 1728, and reprinted in numerous editions in the 18th century. The Cyclopaedia was one of the first… … Wikipedia
Cyclopaedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences — Cyclopaedia Tableau anatomique dans la Cyclopaedia. Dictionnaire universel anglais en 2 volumes, la Cyclopaedia ou Dictionnaire universel des arts et des sciences d Ephraim Chambers, parut à Londres en 1728 et fu … Wikipédia en Français
Cyclopaedia, or an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences — Ephraim Chambers Cyclopaedia (1728) Table of … Wikipedia
Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts and Manufactures — The Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts and Manufactures was edited by Charles Tomlinson and published in London by George Virtue. It was published in 1852 in two 4to volumes (vol. 1, 832pp, vol. 2, 1052pp) with 40 steel engravings and 2,477 woodcuts. A… … Wikipedia
Cyclopaedia of Political Science — The Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and the Political History of the United States by the Best American and European Writers was an encyclopedia edited by John J. Lalor, first published in New York in 1881 by Maynard, Merrill … Wikipedia