Смотреть что такое "cyanobacteria" в других словарях:
Cyanobacteria — Temporal range: 3500–0 Ma Had n Archean … Wikipedia
Cyanobacteria — Cyanobacteria, Cyanobakterien, »Blaualgen«, ca. 2000 überwiegend photoautotrophe Arten umfassende Abteilung der ⇒ Bakterien; werden zusammen mit den ⇒ Prochlorophyta auch als prokaryotische Algen bezeichnet. Die C. Zelle entspricht weitgehend … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
cyanobacteria — [sī΄ə nō bak tir′ē ə] pl.n. sing. cyanobacterium [sī΄ə nō bak tir′ēəm] BLUE GREEN ALGAE … English World dictionary
Cyanobacteria — Cianobacterias Lyngbya … Wikipedia Español
Cyanobacteria — Cyanobakterien Zellfäden von Nostoc spp. Systematik Klassifikation: Lebewesen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cyanobacteria — Cyanobactéries … Wikipédia en Français
cyanobacteria — cyanobacterium cyanobacterium pl. cyanobacteria cyanobacteria [from the pigment phycocyanin.] any of a group of photosynthetic autotrophic prokaryotic microorganisms possessing characteristics of both bacteria and plants. When classed as bacteria … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cyanobacteria — melsvabakterės statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Vienaląsčiai (rutulio, ritinio, verpstės, pjautuvo formos), kolonijiniai ar daugialąsčiai (siūliški) organizmai (Cyanobacteria) – melsvai žalios bakterijos, paplitusios… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
cyanobacteria — blue green alga lue green al ga pl. {blue green al gae} [from the color and resemblance to algae.] any of a group of photosynthetic microorganisms possessing characteristics of both bacteria and plants. When classed as bacteria, they are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cyanobacteria — /suy euh noh bak tear ee euh, suy an oh /,, sing. cyanobacterium / tear ee euhm/. Biol. blue green algae. [1975 80; CYANO 1 + BACTERIA] * * * or blue green algae Any of a large group of prokaryotic, mostly photosynthetic organisms. Though… … Universalium
Cyanobacteria — A division of the kingdom Prokaryotae consisting of unicellular or filamentous bacteria that are either nonmotile or possess a gliding motility, reproduce by binary fission, and perform photosynthesis with the production of oxygen. These blue… … Medical dictionary