Смотреть что такое "cut-plate" в других словарях:
plate — [plāt] n. [OFr, flat object < fem. of plat, flat < VL * plattus < Gr platys, broad, flat: see PLATY ] 1. a smooth, flat, relatively thin piece of metal or other material 2. a sheet of metal made by beating, rolling, or casting 3. a) any… … English World dictionary
Plate — Plate, n. [OF. plate a plate of metal, a cuirsas, F. plat a plate, a shallow vessel of silver, other metal, or earth, fr. plat flat, Gr. ?. See {Place}, n.] 1. A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in comparison… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plate armor — Plate Plate, n. [OF. plate a plate of metal, a cuirsas, F. plat a plate, a shallow vessel of silver, other metal, or earth, fr. plat flat, Gr. ?. See {Place}, n.] 1. A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plate bone — Plate Plate, n. [OF. plate a plate of metal, a cuirsas, F. plat a plate, a shallow vessel of silver, other metal, or earth, fr. plat flat, Gr. ?. See {Place}, n.] 1. A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plate girder — Plate Plate, n. [OF. plate a plate of metal, a cuirsas, F. plat a plate, a shallow vessel of silver, other metal, or earth, fr. plat flat, Gr. ?. See {Place}, n.] 1. A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plate glass — Plate Plate, n. [OF. plate a plate of metal, a cuirsas, F. plat a plate, a shallow vessel of silver, other metal, or earth, fr. plat flat, Gr. ?. See {Place}, n.] 1. A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plate iron — Plate Plate, n. [OF. plate a plate of metal, a cuirsas, F. plat a plate, a shallow vessel of silver, other metal, or earth, fr. plat flat, Gr. ?. See {Place}, n.] 1. A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plate layer — Plate Plate, n. [OF. plate a plate of metal, a cuirsas, F. plat a plate, a shallow vessel of silver, other metal, or earth, fr. plat flat, Gr. ?. See {Place}, n.] 1. A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plate mark — Plate Plate, n. [OF. plate a plate of metal, a cuirsas, F. plat a plate, a shallow vessel of silver, other metal, or earth, fr. plat flat, Gr. ?. See {Place}, n.] 1. A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plate paper — Plate Plate, n. [OF. plate a plate of metal, a cuirsas, F. plat a plate, a shallow vessel of silver, other metal, or earth, fr. plat flat, Gr. ?. See {Place}, n.] 1. A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plate press — Plate Plate, n. [OF. plate a plate of metal, a cuirsas, F. plat a plate, a shallow vessel of silver, other metal, or earth, fr. plat flat, Gr. ?. See {Place}, n.] 1. A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English