cut down prices
Смотреть что такое "cut down prices" в других словарях:
cut — 1 /kVt/ verb past tense and past participle cut present participle cutting 1 DIVIDE WITH KNIFE ETC (T) to divide something into two or more pieces using a sharp tool such as a knife: Do you want me to cut the cake? | The thieves had cut the phone … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
cut — /kut/, v., cut, cutting, adj., n. v.t. 1. to penetrate with or as if with a sharp edged instrument or object: He cut his finger. 2. to divide with or as if with a sharp edged instrument; sever; carve: to cut a rope. 3. to detach with or as if… … Universalium
cut — v. & n. v. (cutting; past and past part. cut) 1 tr. (also absol.) penetrate or wound with a sharp edged instrument (cut his finger; the knife won t cut). 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by into) divide or be divided with a knife etc. (cut the bread;… … Useful english dictionary
cut — [[t]kʌt[/t]] v. cut, cut•ting, adj. n. 1) to penetrate with or as if with a sharp edged instrument or object 2) to divide with or as if with a sharp edged instrument; sever; carve: to cut a rope[/ex] 3) to detach or remove with or as if with a… … From formal English to slang
cut — cut1 W1S1 [kʌt] v past tense and past participle cut present participle cutting ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(reduce)¦ 2¦(divide something with a knife, scissors etc)¦ 3¦(make something shorter with a knife etc)¦ 4¦(remove parts from film etc)¦ 5¦(make a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
cut — cut1 [ kʌt ] (past tense and past participle cut) verb *** ▸ 1 use knife/sharp tool ▸ 2 have ability to cut ▸ 3 injure part of body ▸ 4 reduce/lower ▸ 5 on computer ▸ 6 stop something moving/working ▸ 7 make something shorter ▸ 8 divide playing… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
cut — Synonyms and related words: AWOL, French leave, Parthian shot, Platonic form, Platonic idea, Spartan, Vandyke, abandon, abate, abatement, abbreviate, abbreviated, abrade, abrasion, abridge, abridged, abscind, abscondence, absence, absence without … Moby Thesaurus
cut — [[t]kʌ̱t[/t]] ♦ cuts, cutting (The form cut is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle.) 1) VERB If you cut something, you use a knife or a similar tool to divide it into pieces, or to mark it or damage it. If you cut… … English dictionary
cut — I UK [kʌt] / US verb Word forms cut : present tense I/you/we/they cut he/she/it cuts present participle cutting past tense cut past participle cut *** 1) [transitive] to use a knife, pair of scissors, or other sharp tool to divide something into… … English dictionary
cut*/*/*/ — [kʌt] (past tense and past participle cut) verb [T] I 1) to use a knife or other sharp tool to divide something into pieces, or to remove a piece of something I need a sharp knife to cut the bread with.[/ex] The telephone wires had been cut.[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
down — down1 W1S1 [daun] adv, prep, adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(to a lower position)¦ 2¦(in a lower place)¦ 3¦(to lie/sit)¦ 4¦(along)¦ 5¦(south)¦ 6¦(somewhere local)¦ 7¦(river)¦ 8¦(fastened to a surface)¦ 9¦(less)¦ 10¦(losing)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English