cut continuum

cut continuum
разрезаемый континуум

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cut continuum" в других словарях:

  • Continuum (set theory) — In the mathematical field of set theory, the continuum means the real numbers, or the corresponding cardinal number, . The cardinality of the continuum is the size of the real numbers. The continuum hypothesis is sometimes stated by saying that… …   Wikipedia

  • Continuum on South Beach — The Continuum Tower on South Beach south tower in Miami Beach.Photo: Marc Averette …   Wikipedia

  • Dedekind cut — Math. two nonempty subsets of an ordered field, as the rational numbers, such that one subset is the collection of upper bounds of the second and the second is the collection of lower bounds of the first: can be used to define the real numbers in …   Universalium

  • Cardinality of the continuum — In mathematics, the cardinality of the continuum, sometimes also called the power of the continuum, is the size (cardinality) of the set of real numbers mathbb R (sometimes called the continuum). The cardinality of mathbb R is often denoted by… …   Wikipedia

  • Dedekind cut — Dedekind used his cut to construct the irrational, real numbers. In mathematics, a Dedekind cut, named after Richard Dedekind, is a partition of the rationals into two non empty parts A and B, such that all elements of A are less than all… …   Wikipedia

  • solids, mechanics of — ▪ physics Introduction       science concerned with the stressing (stress), deformation (deformation and flow), and failure of solid materials and structures.       What, then, is a solid? Any material, fluid or solid, can support normal forces.… …   Universalium

  • river — river1 riverless, adj. riverlike, adj. /riv euhr/, n. 1. a natural stream of water of fairly large size flowing in a definite course or channel or series of diverging and converging channels. 2. a similar stream of something other than water: a… …   Universalium

  • List of mathematics articles (C) — NOTOC C C closed subgroup C minimal theory C normal subgroup C number C semiring C space C symmetry C* algebra C0 semigroup CA group Cabal (set theory) Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa matrix Cabinet projection Cable knot Cabri Geometry Cabtaxi number… …   Wikipedia

  • Einstein–Cartan theory — in theoretical physics extends general relativity to correctly handle spin angular momentum. As the master theory of classical physics general relativity has one known flaw: it cannot describe spin orbit coupling , i.e., exchange of intrinsic… …   Wikipedia

  • Disease management (health) — Disease management is defined as a system of coordinated health care interventions and communications for populations with conditions in which patient self care efforts are significant. [1][2][3] For people who can access health care… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic and the philosophy of mathematics in the nineteenth century — John Stillwell INTRODUCTION In its history of over two thousand years, mathematics has seldom been disturbed by philosophical disputes. Ever since Plato, who is said to have put the slogan ‘Let no one who is not a geometer enter here’ over the… …   History of philosophy

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