- customs revenue
1) доход таможни
2) таможенные денежные поступления
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
customs approved treatment — or use The placing of goods under a customs procedure; their entry into a free zone; their re exportation from the customs territory of the European Union ( EU); their destruction or their abandonment to the Exchequer. HM Customs & Revenue… … Financial and business terms
customs approved use — customs approved treatment or use The placing of goods under a customs procedure; their entry into a free zone; their re exportation from the customs territory of the European Union ( EU); their destruction or their abandonment to the Exchequer.… … Financial and business terms
customs approved treatment or use — The placing of goods under a customs procedure; their entry into a free zone; their re exportation from the customs territory of the European Union ( EU); their destruction or their abandonment to the Exchequer. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary … Financial and business terms
Customs Union — The Customs Territories of the European Union ( EU), Turkey, San Marino and Andorra. The unions between the European Union and these countries enable most goods in free circulation to move freely between them without the need to claim import duty … Financial and business terms
customs duty — A tax charged on goods imported into the European Union ( EU). It is based on the value of the imported goods (see Ad Valorem duty) and the description of the goods. Remember that imported goods may be liable to other charges, such as Anti… … Financial and business terms
customs warehouse — A place approved by HM Customs and Excise for the storage of goods without payment of import duty. Import VAT is also suspended during storage of warehoused goods. There are several different types of Customs warehouse. While most approvals are… … Financial and business terms
customs value — The value of goods established according to the customs rules for the levying of ad valorem duties (Arts 28 36 CC) EU Customs Glossary The value of imported goods for customs purposes. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary … Financial and business terms
customs and excise warehouse — A warehouse separately approved for the deposit of goods liable to customs duty and excise duty. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary … Financial and business terms
customs release — The approval given by Customs that authorises a transit shed operator to deliver goods from the transit shed subject to such conditions the Commissioners may impose. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary … Financial and business terms
revenue trader — A person importing, exporting, producing, handling, processing, packaging, transporting or dealing in goods chargeable with excise duty. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary … Financial and business terms
Customs and Excise Department (Hong Kong) — Customs and Excise Department 香港海關 heung1gong2 hoi2gwaan1 Agency overview Formed 1909 … Wikipedia