customary tare
Смотреть что такое "customary tare" в других словарях:
ТАРА — (Tare) всякого рода упаковка, служащая для сохранения груза. В зависимости от рода груза применяется Т. того или иного вида: ящики, мешки, бочки, корзины, клетки, бутылки и т. д. Кроме того, под Т. разумеют действительный вес упаковки в отличие… … Морской словарь
Узо-Тара — англ. customary tare тара, вес которой устанавливается не путем взвешивания, а на основе торговых обычаев (например, исходя из количества упаковочного материала, используемого обычно для упаковки товара определенного размера). Словарь бизнес… … Словарь бизнес-терминов
Golden Rose — • A precious and sacred ornament made of pure gold by skilled artificers, which the popes have been accustomed for centuries to bless each year, and occasionally confer upon illustrious churches and sanctuaries as a token of special reverence and … Catholic encyclopedia
List of Emily Dickinson poems — This is a list of Emily Dickinson poems. There are 1,775 known poems that have been written by Dickinson. The poems are alphabetized by their first line. Punctuation, capitalization and even in some cases wording of the first lines may vary… … Wikipedia
Mantra — In Tibet, many Buddhists carve mantras into rocks as a form of meditation. A mantra (Tib.སྔགས་ ngak; Wyl. sngags) [1] is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of creating transformation (cf. spiritual… … Wikipedia
Golden Rose — The Golden Rose is a gold ornament, which popes have traditionally blessed annually. It is occasionally conferred as a token of reverence or affection. Recipients have included churches and sanctuaries, royalty, military figures, and governments … Wikipedia
Church Music — Ecclesiastical Music † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Music By this term is meant the music which, by order or with the approbation of ecclesiastical authority, is employed in connexion with Divine service to promote the… … Catholic encyclopedia
Haytor Granite Tramway — The Haytor Granite Tramway was a unique granite railed tramway running down from Haytor Down, Dartmoor, Devon. The tramway was built in 1820 to carry Haytor granite, which was of fine grain and high quality, down from the heights of Dartmoor for… … Wikipedia
Dates and Dating — • In classical Latin even before the time of Christ it was usual for correspondents to indicate when and where their letters were written Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Dates and Dating Dates and Dating … Catholic encyclopedia
Bill of lading — Admiralty law History … Wikipedia
Allowance — Al*low ance, n. [OF. alouance.] 1. Approval; approbation. [Obs.] Crabbe. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of allowing, granting, conceding, or admitting; authorization; permission; sanction; tolerance. [1913 Webster] Without the king s will or the state … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English