cushy — (k[oo^]sh [y^]), adj. not requiring strong efforts; easy; said of paid employment; as, He got a cushy job in a large company. [informal] Syn: soft. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cushy — [koosh′ē] adj. cushier, cushiest [orig. Brit army slang < Hindi khush, pleasant < Pers khūsh] Slang easy; comfortable [a cushy job] cushiness n … English World dictionary
cushy — easy, 1915, Anglo Indian slang, from Hindi khush pleasant, healthy, happy + Y (Cf. y) (2) … Etymology dictionary
cushy — [adj] lush, comfortable agreeable, comfy*, easy, pleasant, plum, soft*, undemanding; concept 334 … New thesaurus
cushy — ► ADJECTIVE (cushier, cushiest) informal 1) (of a task or situation) easy and undemanding. 2) N. Amer. (of furniture) comfortable. DERIVATIVES cushiness noun. ORIGIN from Urdu, pleasure … English terms dictionary
cushy — UK [ˈkʊʃɪ] / US adjective Word forms cushy : adjective cushy comparative cushier superlative cushiest informal very easy or pleasant and not involving a lot of work You re lucky to have such a cushy job. a cushy number (= job): He s got a really… … English dictionary
cushy — cush|y [ˈkuʃi] adj [Date: 1900 2000; : Urdu; Origin: khush pleasant , from Persian] a cushy job or life is very easy and does not need much effort ▪ I wish I had a nice cushy job like her. ▪ a very cushy number (=an easy job or life) … Dictionary of contemporary English
cushy — [[t]k ʊʃi[/t]] cushier, cushiest ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A cushy job or situation is pleasant because it does not involve much work or effort. [INFORMAL] ...a cushy job in the civil service... He had a fairly cushy upbringing … English dictionary
cushy — cushily, adv. cushiness, n. /koosh ee/, adj., cushier, cushiest. Informal. 1. involving little effort for ample rewards; easy and profitable: a cushy job. 2. soft and comfortable; cushiony: a cushy chair. [1910 15; prob. CUSH(ION) + Y3; also… … Universalium
cushy — adjective cushier, cushiest informal very easy: I wish I had a nice cushy job like her. | a cushy number BrE (=an easy job) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
cushy — [“kuji] mod. soft; easy. (From cushion.) □ He’s got sort of a cushy job. □ That’s a cushy kind of life to lead … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions