cursor control

cursor control
управление курсором

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cursor control" в других словарях:

  • Cursor control — Управление курсором, управление маркёром (дисплея) …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Control character — In computing and telecommunication, a control character or non printing character is a code point (a number) in a character set, that does not in itself represent a written symbol. It is in band signaling in the context of character encoding. All …   Wikipedia

  • cursor-movement keys —    The keys on the keyboard that move the cursor; also called cursor control keys. These keys include the four labeled with arrows and the Home, Pg Up, End, and Pg Dn keys.    On full size keyboards, cursor movement keys are often found on the… …   Dictionary of networking

  • Cursor (base de datos) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En bases de datos, el término cursor se refiere a una estructura de control utilizada para el recorrido (y potencial procesamiento) de los registros del resultado de una consulta. Un cursor se utiliza para el… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Cursor — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cursor puede referirse a: Cursor, en informática, barra horizontal o vertical que indica la posición de la entrada de texto. Cursor, en una base de datos, estructura de control utilizada para el recorrido (y… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Multidirectional cursor control — Перемещение курсора [маркёра] (дисплея) в произвольном направлении …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Cursor (databases) — In computer science and technology, a database cursor is a control structure that enables traversal over the records in a database. Cursors facilitate subsequent processing in conjunction with the traversal, such as retrieval, addition and… …   Wikipedia

  • Cursor (computers) — A blinking text cursor, stopped in the middle of typing the word Wikipedia. In computing, a cursor is an indicator used to show the position on a computer monitor or other display device that will respond to input from a text input or pointing… …   Wikipedia

  • Control key — A Control key (marked Ctrl ) on a modern Windows keyboard In computing, a Control key is a modifier key which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, will perform a special operation (for example, Control Alt Delete); similar to the Shift… …   Wikipedia

  • Control Strip — The Control Strip, pictured along the bottom left The Control Strip is a user interface component of the classic System 7 Mac OS which and remained until the Macintosh OS X system replaced the class Macintosh OS in December 2001. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Control-V — In computing, Control V is a control character in ASCII code, also known as the synchronous idle (SYN) character. It is generated by pressing the V key while holding down the …   Wikipedia

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