Смотреть что такое "curry-comb" в других словарях:
curry-comb — ► NOUN ▪ a hand held device with serrated ridges, used for grooming horses … English terms dictionary
curry comb — noun a flat comb used to brush down a horse … Wiktionary
curry comb — noun a hand held device with serrated ridges, used for grooming horses … English new terms dictionary
curry-comb — … Useful english dictionary
curry — curry1 [kʉr′ē] vt. curried, currying [ME curraien < OFr correier, conreder, to put in order < VL * corredare < L com , with + red , base appearing in * arredare: for IE base see RIDE] 1. to use a curry comb 2. to prepare (tanned leather) … English World dictionary
curry — Ⅰ. curry [1] ► NOUN (pl. curries) ▪ a dish of meat, vegetables, etc., cooked in an Indian style sauce of strong spices. ► VERB (curries, curried) ▪ prepare or flavour with such a sauce. ORIGIN Tamil … English terms dictionary
curry — 1. n. & v. n. (pl. ies) a dish of meat, vegetables, etc., cooked in a sauce of hot tasting spices, usu. served with rice. ( ies, ied) prepare or flavour with a sauce of hot tasting spices (curried eggs). Phrases and idioms: curry powder a… … Useful english dictionary
curry — 1. noun /ˈkʌri/ a) A sauce or relish whose principal flavoring is curry powder. b) Any dish, especially a stew, flavored with curry powder. Syn: Ruby Murray … Wiktionary
curry — {{11}}curry (n.) the spice, 1680s, from Tamil kari sauce, relish for rice. {{12}}curry (v.) late 13c., to rub down a horse, from Anglo Fr. curreier to curry comb a horse, from O.Fr. correier put in order, prepare, curry, from con , intens. prefix … Etymology dictionary
Curry — Cur ry (k?r r?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Curried} ( r?d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Currying}.] [OE. curraien, curreien, OF. cunreer, correier, to prepare, arrange, furnish, curry (a horse), F. corroyer to curry (leather) (cf. OF. conrei, conroi, order,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
curry favor with someone — curry favor (with (someone)) to try to make someone like you or support you by doing or saying things to please them. The candidate has promised lower taxes in an attempt to curry favor with the voters. Etymology: from the literal meaning of… … New idioms dictionary