current limiter
Смотреть что такое "current limiter" в других словарях:
current limiter — noun : a fuse to break a circuit when a predetermined current is exceeded * * * Elect. a device, as a resistor or fuse, that limits the flow of current to a prescribed amount, independent of the voltage applied. * * * current limiter, an… … Useful english dictionary
current limiter — srovės ribotuvas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. current limiter vok. Strombegrenzer, m rus. ограничитель тока, m pranc. limiteur de courant, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
current limiter — srovės ribotuvas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. current limiter vok. Strombegrenzer, m rus. ограничитель тока, m pranc. limiteur de courant, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
current limiter — Elect. a device, as a resistor or fuse, that limits the flow of current to a prescribed amount, independent of the voltage applied. * * * … Universalium
Inrush current limiter — An inrush current limiter is a component used to limit inrush current. Negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors and fixed resistors are often used for this. Less often, other components are also used.The inrush current limiter is placed … Wikipedia
Fault current limiter — A Fault Current Limiter (FCL) is a device which limits the prospective fault current when a fault occurs (eg in a power transmission network). The term is generally applied to superconducting devices, whereas non superconducting devices (such as… … Wikipedia
Current limiting — is the practice in electrical or electronic circuits of imposing an upper limit on the current that may be delivered to a load with the purpose of protecting the circuit generating or transmitting the current from harmful effects due to a short… … Wikipedia
Fault current limiter — A device that uses superconductors to limit or reduce instantaneously unanticipated electrical surges that may occur on utility distribution and transmission networks (Source: Superconductivity News Update, U.S. Department of Energy s Office of … Energy terms
Inrush current — or input surge current refers to the maximum, instantaneous input current drawn by an electrical device when first turned on. For example, incandescent light bulbs have high inrush currents until their filaments warm up and their resistance… … Wikipedia
Constant current diode — Circuit Constant current diode (also called CLD, current limiting diode, constant current diode, diode connected transistor or CRD,current regulating diode) consists of a JFET with the gate shorted to the source, and it functions like a two… … Wikipedia
demand limiter — noun : current limiter … Useful english dictionary