current inputs

current inputs
текущие расходы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "current inputs" в других словарях:

  • Current differencing transconductance amplifier — Block diagram of the CDTA. Current differencing transconductance amplifier (CDTA) is a new active circuit element. Properties The CDTA is free from parasitic input capacitances and it can operate in a wide frequency range due to current mode… …   Wikipedia

  • Current loop — This article is about the electrical signaling schemes. For the oceanic phenomenon, see Loop current. A current loop describes two different electrical signalling schemes. Contents 1 Digital 2 Analog 3 Process control use …   Wikipedia

  • Current differencing buffered amplifier — Block diagram of the CDBA A current differencing buffered amplifier (CDBA) is a multi terminal active component with two inputs and two outputs and developed by Cevdet Acar and Serdar Özoğuz. Its block diagram can be seen from the figure. It is… …   Wikipedia

  • Voltage-to-current converter — Introduction For a variety of reasons, in low voltage electronics, voltage is a more frequently used data carrier. Thus electronic devices tend to be labeled with voltage inputs and outputs. However some devices are labeled in terms of current… …   Wikipedia

  • Norwegian Current — The Norwegian Current (also known as the Norwegian Coastal Current) is a water current that flows north easterly along the Atlantic coast of Norway at depths of between 50 and 100 meters. It contrasts with the North Atlantic Current because it is …   Wikipedia

  • Programmable logic controller — A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is a digital computer used for automation of industrial processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines. PLCs are used in many different industries and machines… …   Wikipedia

  • Electricity meter — Typical North American domestic analog electricity meter …   Wikipedia

  • Inverter (electrical) — An inverter is an electrical device that converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC)[1]; the converted AC can be at any required voltage and frequency with the use of appropriate transformers, switching, and control circuits. Solid… …   Wikipedia

  • Mealy machine — In the theory of computation, a Mealy machine is a finite state machine whose output values are determined both by its current state and the current inputs. The outputs change asynchronously with respect to the clock, meaning that the outputs… …   Wikipedia

  • State observer — In control theory, a state observer is a system that models a real system in order to provide an estimate of its internal state, given measurements of the input and output of the real system. It is typically a computer implemented mathematical… …   Wikipedia

  • Causal system — A causal system (also known as a physical or nonanticipative system) is a system where the output depends on past/current inputs but not future inputs i.e. the output y(t0) only depends on the input x(t) for values of . The idea that the output… …   Wikipedia

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