currency bill

currency bill
вексель, выписанный в иностранной валюте

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "currency bill" в других словарях:

  • Currency bill tracking — USD 1 banknote (Dollar bill) Currency bill tracking is the process (usually facilitated by any one of a number of websites set up for the purpose) of tracking the movements of banknotes, similar to how ornithologists track migrations of birds by… …   Wikipedia

  • China Currency Bill — A potential law passed in September 2011 by the U.S. Senate that would add tariffs to countries most notably China found to be undervaluing their currency. The China currency bill s intent is to make imports more expensive from these countries,… …   Investment dictionary

  • Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011 — The Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011 (S. 1619) is an international trade bill in the 112th United States Congress that would establish US tariffs on imports from countries with undervalued currencies.[1] The bill was approved… …   Wikipedia

  • Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act 2010 — Enacted by U.S. Congress Date signed n/a Introduced by Timothy …   Wikipedia

  • Currency packaging — includes several forms of packing money for easy handling and counting. Many systems use standard color coding or are marked to indicate the amount in the package. Contents 1 Currency straps 2 Coin bags 3 Coin wrappers 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Bill Lipschutz — is a foreign exchange market (forex) trader and the co founder and Director of Portfolio Management at Hathersage Capital Management. Early Life and Education Lipschutz was born and raised in Farmingdale, New York. He earned outstanding grades… …   Wikipedia

  • bill — n 1: a draft of a law presented to a legislature for enactment; also: the law itself the GI bill ap·pro·pri·a·tions bill /ə ˌprō prē ā shənz /: a bill providing money for government expenses and programs ◇ Appropriations bills originate in the… …   Law dictionary

  • Bill — may refer to: Objects * Billboard (advertising), a board on which to display advertising posters or displays * Billhook, a long handled saw (sometimes weapon) with a curved blade * BILL Anti tank guided weapon, a Swedish anti tank weapon * BILL 2 …   Wikipedia

  • Bill Brasky — was the subject of a series of sketches on the television sketch comedy program Saturday Night Live between 1996 and 1998. The sketches were written by cast member Will Ferrell and writer Adam McKay. FormatThe format of the sketches resembles the …   Wikipedia

  • bill — [n1] account of charges; money owed bad news*, check, chit, damage*, debt, invoice, IOU, itemized account, knock*, note, reckoning, request for payment, score, statement, statement of indebtedness, tab; concepts 329,332 bill [n2] list; circular… …   New thesaurus

  • Bill Scott (author) — Bill Scott (1922 mdash;December 24, 2005) was an Australian author, folklorist and poet. [ [ scott passes away.shtml Bill Scott passes away] (JAM: NSW Folk Federation) Accessed: January 29, 2007]… …   Wikipedia

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