cupric nitrate
Смотреть что такое "cupric nitrate" в других словарях:
Copper(II) nitrate — Copper(II) nitrate … Wikipedia
copper processing — Introduction use of smelting or leaching, usually followed by electrolytic refining or recovery, to turn the ore into a form from which products can be fashioned. Included in this article also is a discussion of the mining of copper and of its… … Universalium
Patina — For the village in Estonia, see Pattina. For the United States Navy ship, see USS Pattina (SP 675). A bronze coin of the Han Dynasty circa 1st century BC with green patina. Patina ( … Wikipedia
Copper(II) oxide — IUPAC name Copper(II) oxide … Wikipedia
Copper — For other uses, see Copper (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
nitrogen group element — ▪ chemical elements Introduction any of the chemical elements that constitute Group Va of the periodic table (see Figure >). The group consists of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), and bismuth (Bi). The elements share… … Universalium
IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry — For the current Red Book version, see IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry 2005. The IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry is a systematic method of naming inorganic chemical compounds, as recommended by the International Union of Pure… … Wikipedia
catalysis — catalytic /kat l it ik/, adj., n. catalytical, adj. catalytically, adv. /keuh tal euh sis/, n., pl. catalyses / seez /. 1. Chem. the causing or accelerating of a chemical change by the addition of a catalyst. 2. an action between two or more… … Universalium
iodine — /uy euh duyn , din/; in Chem. also /uy euh deen /, n. Chem. a nonmetallic halogen element occurring at ordinary temperatures as a grayish black crystalline solid that sublimes to a dense violet vapor when heated: used in medicine as an antiseptic … Universalium
chlorine — chlorinous, adj. /klawr een, in, klohr /, n. a halogen element, a heavy, greenish yellow, incombustible, water soluble, poisonous gas that is highly irritating to the respiratory organs, obtained chiefly by electrolysis of sodium chloride brine:… … Universalium
Copper(II) carbonate — Other names copper carbonate, cupric carbonate, basic copper carbonate … Wikipedia