cumulative scale

cumulative scale
мат. шкала функции распределения (на вероятностной бумаге)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cumulative scale" в других словарях:

  • Cumulative frequency analysis — is the applcation of estimation theory to exceedance probability (or equivalently to its complement). The complement, the non exceedance probability concerns the frequency of occurrence of values of a phenomenon staying below a reference value.… …   Wikipedia

  • Scale space implementation — Scale space Scale space axioms Scale space implementation Feature detection Edge detection Blob detection Corner detection …   Wikipedia

  • Scale-free network — A scale free network is a network whose degree distribution follows a power law, at least asymptotically. That is, the fraction P ( k ) of nodes in the network having k connections to other nodes goes for large values of k as P ( k ) k − γ where… …   Wikipedia

  • Scale parameter — In probability theory and statistics, a scale parameter is a special kind of numerical parameter of a parametric family of probability distributions. The larger the scale parameter, the more spread out the distribution.DefinitionIf a family of… …   Wikipedia

  • Scale-inverse-chi-square distribution — Probability distribution name =Scale inverse chi square type =density pdf cdf parameters = u > 0, sigma^2 > 0, support =x in (0, infty) pdf =frac{(sigma^2 u/2)^{ u/2{Gamma( u/2)} frac{expleft [ frac{ u sigma^2}{2 x} ight] }{x^{1+ u/2 cdf… …   Wikipedia

  • Bogardus Social Distance Scale — The Bogardus Social Distance Scale is a psychological testing scale created by Emory S. Bogardus to empirically measure people s willingness to participate in social contacts of varying degrees of closeness with members of diverse social groups,… …   Wikipedia

  • Discounted cumulative gain — (DCG) is a measure of effectiveness of a Web search engine algorithm or related applications, often used in information retrieval. Using a graded relevance scale of documents in a search engine result set, DCG measures the usefulness, or gain, of …   Wikipedia

  • Location-scale family — In probability theory, especially as that field is used in statistics, a location scale family is a family of univariate probability distributions parametrized by a location parameter mu; and a scale parameter sigma; ge; 0; if X is any random… …   Wikipedia

  • Guttman scale — In statistical surveys conducted by means of structured interviews or questionnaires, a subset of the survey items having binary (e.g., YES or NO) answers forms a Guttman scale (named after Louis Guttman) if they can be ranked in some order so… …   Wikipedia

  • Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale — The Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale is a logarithmic scale used by astronomers to rate the potential hazard of impact of a near earth object (NEO). It combines two types of data mdash;probability of impact, and estimated kinetic yield… …   Wikipedia

  • Thurstone scale — In psychology, the Thurstone scale was the first formal technique for measuring an attitude. It was developed by Louis Leon Thurstone in 1928, as a means of measuring attitudes towards religion. It is made up of statements about a particular… …   Wikipedia

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