- cumulative production curve
- кривая суммарной добычи
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
learning curve — Increases in output and *efficiency as experience and knowledge are gained. In a manufacturing context, the learning curve can be measured by a statistical comparison of increases in cumulative production output with decreases in cumulative… … Auditor's dictionary
Experience curve effects — Experience curve re directs here. For its use in video games see Experience point. The learning curve effect and the closely related experience curve effect express the relationship between experience and efficiency. As individuals and/or… … Wikipedia
learning curve — A technique that takes into account the reduction in time taken to carry out production as the cumulative output rises. The concept is based on a doubling of output, so that a 70% learning curve means that the cumulative average time taken per… … Accounting dictionary
learning curve — A technique that takes into account the reduction in time taken to carry out production as the cumulative output rises. The concept is based on a doubling of output, so that a 70% learning curve means that the cumulative average time taken per… … Big dictionary of business and management
experience curve — /ɪk spɪəriəns kɜ:v/ noun a graph showing the relationship between the cumulative amount of products produced and the production cost per unit ● The experience curve shows how increasing efficiency has brought down our costs … Marketing dictionary in english
experience curve — A relationship between the costs of production and cumulative output, showing that efficiency increases with the repetition of the process. As experience increases, costs fall, adding to the competitive advantage of a firm. This may be a… … Big dictionary of business and management
кривая суммарной добычи — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN cumulative production curve … Справочник технического переводчика
Hubbert peak theory — Hubbert peak redirects here. For the episode of The West Wing, see The Hubbert Peak. M. King Hubbert s original 1956 prediction of world petroleum production rates … Wikipedia
Peak oil — A logistic distribution shaped production curve, as originally suggested by M. King Hubbert in 1956 … Wikipedia
Hubbert Linearization — The Hubbert Linearization is a way to plot production data in order to estimate two important parameters of a Hubbert curve; the logistic growth rate and the quantity of the resource that will be ultimately recovered. The Hubbert curve is the… … Wikipedia
Globales Ölfördermaximum — Abb. 1: Oben: Die Förderung einer Ölquelle in mehreren Phasen. Unten: Die Gesamtförderung mehrerer Quellen kann durch die sog. Hubbert Kurve beschrieben werden.[1] Diese Kurve ist die erste Ableitung einer als „logistische Funktion“ bezeichneten… … Deutsch Wikipedia