- cudbear
- ˈkʌdbɛə сущ. лакмусовый ягель (краситель) лакмусовый ягель (краситель) cudbear лакмусовый ягель (краситель)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Cudbear — Cud bear (k?d b?r ), n. [Also {cudbeard}, corrupted fr. the name of Dr. Cuthbert Gordon, a Scotchman, who first brought it into notice.] 1. A powder of a violet red color, difficult to moisten with water, used for making violet or purple dye. It… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cudbear — (engl., spr. köddbēr), s. Orseille … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Cudbear — Cudbear, s. Farbstoffe, pflanzliche (Farbflechten) … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Cudbear — (engl., spr. köddbär), roter Farbstoff, s. Lecanora und Orseille … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
cudbear — [kud′ber΄] n. [coined < CUTHBERT1 by Dr. Cuthbert Gordon, 18th c. Brit physician, who developed the dye] 1. a purple dye prepared from lichens 2. ORCHIL … English World dictionary
cudbear — (entrée créée par le supplément) (kud bêr) s. m. Nom anglais de l orseille préparée d une manière particulière. • L orseille en herbes, soit à l état humide, soit à l état de cudbear, c est à dire l orseille d herbes colorée, mais desséchée et… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
cudbear — /kud bair /, n. a violet coloring matter obtained from various lichens, esp. Lecanora tartarea. [1760 70; coinage by Dr. Cuthbert Gordon, 18th century Scottish chemist, based on his own name] * * * ▪ biology violet, red, or bluish dyestuff … Universalium
cudbear — Purple red coloring agent derived from the lichen Ochrolechia tartarea (family Lecanoraceae) and for the coloring principles from Roccellaceae used for coloring liquid pharmaceutical preparations. SYN: crottle. * * * cud·bear kəd .ba(ə)r, .be(ə)r … Medical dictionary
cudbear — noun Etymology: irregular from Dr. Cuthbert Gordon, 18th century Scottish chemist Date: 1764 a reddish coloring matter from lichens … New Collegiate Dictionary
cudbear — n. violet dye extracted from lichens (named after its discoverer) … English contemporary dictionary
cudbear — cud·bear … English syllables