cubic set

cubic set
мат. кубическое множество

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cubic set" в других словарях:

  • Cubic reciprocity — is a collection of theorems in elementary and algebraic number theory that state conditions under which the congruence x3 ≡ p (mod q) is solvable; the word reciprocity comes from the form of the main theorem, which states that …   Wikipedia

  • Cubic harmonic — Cubic harmonics In fields like computational chemistry and solid state and condensed matter physics the so called atomic orbitals, or spin orbitals, as they appear in textbooks[1] …   Wikipedia

  • CUBIC TCP — CUBIC is an implementation of TCP with an optimized congestion control algorithm for high speed networks with high latency (LFN: Long Fat Networks).It is a less aggressive and more systematic derivative of BIC TCP, in which the window is a cubic… …   Wikipedia

  • Cubic function — This article is about cubic equations in one variable. For cubic equations in two variables, see elliptic curve. Graph of a cubic function with 3 real roots (where the curve crosses the horizontal axis where y = 0). It has 2 critical points. Here …   Wikipedia

  • Cubic graph — Not to be confused with graphs of cubic functions. The Petersen graph is a Cubic graph …   Wikipedia

  • Cubic surface — A cubic surface is a projective variety studied in algebraic geometry. It is an algebraic surface in three dimensional projective space defined by a single polynomial which is homogeneous of degree 3 (hence, cubic). Cubic surfaces are del Pezzo… …   Wikipedia

  • Cubic Hermite spline — In the mathematical subfield of numerical analysis a cubic Hermite spline (also called cspline), named in honor of Charles Hermite, is a third degree spline with each polynomial of the spline in Hermite form. The Hermite form consists of two… …   Wikipedia

  • Cubic plane curve — A selection of cubic curves. See information page for details. Cubic curve redirects here. For information on polynomial functions of degree 3, see Cubic function. In mathematics, a cubic plane curve is a plane algebraic curve C defined by a… …   Wikipedia

  • Cubic field — In mathematics, specifically the area of algebraic number theory, a cubic field is an algebraic number field of degree three. Contents 1 Definition 2 Examples 3 Galois closure 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Cubic — Cubical redirects here. For the partition, see cubicle. Contents 1 Science and mathematics 2 Computing 3 Media …   Wikipedia

  • Cubic form — In mathematics, a cubic form is a homogeneous polynomial of degree 3, and a cubic hypersurface is the zero set of a cubic form. In (Delone Faddeev 1964), Boris Delone and Dmitriĭ Faddeev showed that binary cubic forms with integer coefficients… …   Wikipedia

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