cube of number

cube of number
мат. куб [третья степень] числа

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cube of number" в других словарях:

  • Cube — (k[=u]b), n. [F. cube, L. cubus, fr. Gr. ???? a cube, a cubical die.] 1. (Geom.) A regular solid body, with six equal square sides. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) The product obtained by taking a number or quantity three times as a factor; as, 4x4=16 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cube ore — Cube Cube (k[=u]b), n. [F. cube, L. cubus, fr. Gr. ???? a cube, a cubical die.] 1. (Geom.) A regular solid body, with six equal square sides. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) The product obtained by taking a number or quantity three times as a factor;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cube root — Cube Cube (k[=u]b), n. [F. cube, L. cubus, fr. Gr. ???? a cube, a cubical die.] 1. (Geom.) A regular solid body, with six equal square sides. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) The product obtained by taking a number or quantity three times as a factor;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cube spar — Cube Cube (k[=u]b), n. [F. cube, L. cubus, fr. Gr. ???? a cube, a cubical die.] 1. (Geom.) A regular solid body, with six equal square sides. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) The product obtained by taking a number or quantity three times as a factor;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cube (video game) — Cube Developer(s) Wouter van Oortmerssen[1] Designer(s) Wouter van Oortmerssen[1] …   Wikipedia

  • cube — cube1 [kyo͞ob] n. [Fr < L cubus < Gr kybos, a cube, die, vertebra < IE base * keu(b) , to bend, turn > HIP1, HIVE, L cubare, to lie down] 1. a solid with six equal, square sides: see POLYHEDRON 2. anything having more or less this… …   English World dictionary

  • Cube Records — was launched on 26 May 1972 by independent music publisher David Platz, and was based at his UK offices for Essex Music. History Platz had entered the arena of record production in the early 1960s, and having had a string of hits by licensing… …   Wikipedia

  • cube root — [ US ˈ. .] n the cube root of a particular number is the number that, when multiplied by itself twice will give that number ▪ 4 is the cube root of 64 …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cube root — noun count the cube root of a number is the smaller number that you multiply by itself twice to make the number, for example the cube root of 8 is 2 …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • cube root — cube roots N COUNT: usu sing, the N of n The cube root of a number is another number that makes the first number when it is multiplied by itself twice. For example, the cube root of 8 is 2 …   English dictionary

  • Cube Route —   …   Wikipedia

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