- crystal analysis
- кристаллографический анализ
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Crystal Analysis — (a.k.a Crystal Analysis Professional) is an On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) application for analysing business data originally developed by Seagate Software. It was first released under the name Seagate Analysis as a free application written … Wikipedia
X-ray crystal analysis — rentgeninė kristalo sandaros analizė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. X ray analysis of crystal structure; X ray crystal analysis vok. Röntgenstrukturanalyse, f rus. рентгеноструктурный анализ, m pranc. analyse par… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Crystal Enterprise — is the Business Objects server based delivery platform for Crystal Reports and Crystal Analysis originally developed by Crystal Decisions. Crystal Enterprise is what is called a delivery platform in Business Intelligence terms. It provides an… … Wikipedia
Crystal Decisions — (previously known as Seagate Software Information Management Group) is the name of a company that was known for its Business intelligence products. The company was formed when hard disk manufacturer Seagate Technology acquired Holistic Systems… … Wikipedia
Crystal radio — Crystal set redirects here. For the Australian rock band, see The Crystal Set. A modern reproduction of an antique crystal set. It is tuned to different stations by moving the sliding contact (right) up and down the tuning coil (red). The device… … Wikipedia
Crystal Clear (software development) — Crystal Clear is a member of the Crystal family of methodologies as described by Alistair Cockburn and is considered an example of an agile or lightweight methodology. Crystal Clear can be applied to teams of up to 6 or 8 co located developers… … Wikipedia
Crystal field theory — (CFT) is a model that describes the electronic structure of transition metal compounds, all of which can be considered coordination complexes. CFT successfully accounts for some magnetic properties, colours, hydration enthalpies, and spinel… … Wikipedia
Crystal Reports — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Crystal Reports Desarrollador SAP, Business Objects Página web de Crystal Reports … Wikipedia Español
Crystal River 3 Nuclear Power Plant — Crystal River Nuclear Plant The power plant complex of Crystal River, on the right of the cooling towers is the nuclear reactor (Unit 3) … Wikipedia
Crystal structure prediction — (CSP) is the calculation of the crystal structures of solids from first principles. Reliable methods of predicting the crystal structure of a compound, based only on its molecular structure, has been a goal of the physical sciences since the… … Wikipedia
crystal gazing — crystal gazer. 1. the practice of staring into a crystal ball, as by a fortuneteller, to see distant happenings, future events, etc. 2. speculation about the future. [1885 90] * * * ▪ divination also called scrying divination of distant… … Universalium