Смотреть что такое "cryptoxanthin" в других словарях:
Cryptoxanthin — Cryptoxanthin[1] … Wikipedia
cryptoxanthin — [krip΄tō zan′thin, krip΄təzan′thin] n. 〚 CRYPTO + XANTH(O) + IN1〛 a carotenoid pigment, C40H56O, in butter, eggs, and various plants, that can be converted into vitamin A in the body * * * … Universalium
cryptoxanthin — [krip΄tō zan′thin, krip΄təzan′thin] n. [ CRYPTO + XANTH(O) + IN1] a carotenoid pigment, C40H56O, in butter, eggs, and various plants, that can be converted into vitamin A in the body … English World dictionary
cryptoxanthin — noun A xanthophyll pigment (a hydroxy derivative of carotene) that occurs widely in nature. Syn: E161c, food colouring … Wiktionary
cryptoxanthin — (3R) β,β Caroten 3 ol; β caroten 3 ol; carotenoid (specifically, a xanthophyll) yielding 1 mol of vitamin A per mole. Found in many fruits and berries. * * * cryp·to·xan·thin .krip tə zan(t) thən n a red crystalline carotenoid alcohol C40H55OH… … Medical dictionary
cryptoxanthin — cryp·to·xanthin … English syllables
cryptoxanthin — ˌkriptō+ noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary crypt + xanthin : a red crystalline carotenoid alcohol C40H55OH that occurs in many plants (as yellow Indian corn and papaya), in blood serum, and in some animal products (as butter and … Useful english dictionary
Vitamin A — Systematic (IUPAC) name (2E,4E,6E,8E) 3,7 Dimethyl … Wikipedia
Phytochemical — Phytochemicals are plant derived chemical compounds under scientific research for their potential health promoting properties, but with unproved benefits. Phytonutrients refers to plant derived essential nutrients scientifically confirmed as… … Wikipedia
Nutrition — The Nutrition Facts table indicates the amounts of nutrients which experts recommend to limit or consume in adequate amounts. Nutrition (also called nourishment or aliment) is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary (in… … Wikipedia
Carotinoid — Als Carotinoide (auch: Karotinoide) bezeichnet man eine umfangreiche Klasse an natürlichen Farbstoffen, die eine gelbe bis rötliche Färbung verursachen. Carotinoide zählen zu den Terpenen. Sie kommen vor allem in den Chromoplasten und Plastiden… … Deutsch Wikipedia