
krʌtʃ сущ.
1) а) стойка, опора, поддержка Syn : prop, stay б) костыль обыкн. мн. тж. a pair от crutches;
перен. опора, поддержка
2) а) стойка (мотоцикла и т. п.) б) мор. кормовой брештук;
уключина костыль - * walking передвижение на костылях - a pair of *es костыли - to go on *es ходить на костылях поддержка, опора - the * of my declining years опора моих преклонных лет (техническое) раздвоенная опора, подпорка;
вилка (строительство) упор, подкос (техническое) вильчатая стойка (спортивное) стойка велосипеда, мотоцикла (морское) кормовой брештук;
уключина промежность поддерживать, подпирать - old crippled buildings *ed up with posts and logs старые полуразвалившиеся строения, подпертые столбами и бревнами помогать, оказывать поддержку ходить на костылях crutch мор. кормовой брештук;
уключина ~ костыль (обыкн. pl, тж. a pair of crutches) ;
перен. опора, поддержка ~ раздвоенная подпорка;
вилка ~ стойка (мотоцикла и т. п.)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую


Смотреть что такое "crutch" в других словарях:

  • Crutch — (kr[u^]ch; 224), n.; pl. {Crutches} ( [e^]z). [OE. crucche, AS. crycc, cricc; akin to D. kruk, G. kr[ u]cke, Dan. krykke, Sw. krycka, and to E. crook. See {Crook}, and cf. {Cricket} a low stool.] 1. A staff with a crosspiece at the head, to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • crutch — O.E. crycce crutch, staff, from P.Gmc. *krukjo (Cf. O.S. krukka, M.Du. crucke, O.H.G. krucka, Ger. Kröcke crutch, related to O.N. krokr hook; see CROOK (Cf. crook)). Figurative sense is first recorded c.1600. As a verb, from 1640s. It. gruccia …   Etymology dictionary

  • Crutch — Crutch, v. t. To support on crutches; to prop up. [R.] [1913 Webster] Two fools that crutch their feeble sense on verse. Dryden. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • crutch — [kruch] n. [ME crucche < OE crycce, staff, akin to Ger krücke < IE base * ger : see CRADLE] 1. any of various devices used, often in pairs, by lame people as an aid in walking; typically, a staff with a hand grip and a padded crosspiece on… …   English World dictionary

  • crutch — [krʌtʃ] n [: Old English; Origin: crycc] 1.) [usually plural] one of a pair of long sticks that you put under your arms to help you walk when you have hurt your leg on crutches (=use crutches) ▪ I was on crutches for three months after the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • crutch — crutch·er; crutch; …   English syllables

  • crutch — index mainstay Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • crutch — [ krʌtʃ ] noun 1. ) count a stick that fits under your arm so that you can lean on it and walk when your leg or foot is injured: a pair of crutches be on crutches: I was on crutches for six weeks. 2. ) singular someone or something that you… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • crutch — ► NOUN 1) a long stick with a crosspiece at the top, used as a support by a lame person. 2) something used for support or reassurance. 3) the crotch of the body or a garment. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • Crutch — For other uses, see Crutch (disambiguation). Using underarm crutches A typical forearm crutch Crutches are mobility aids used to counter a mobility impairment or an injury that limits wa …   Wikipedia

  • Crutch — A wooden or metal vertical prop that helps support a disabled person while he or she is walking. Crutches extend from the walking surface to either the armpit or the arm. A typical hardwood armpit crutch has a 20 inch length of 1 x1 wood at the… …   Medical dictionary

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