crush to powder
Смотреть что такое "crush to powder" в других словарях:
crush — [n1] crowd of animate beings drove, gathering, horde, huddle, jam, multitude, party, press, push, throng, tumult; concepts 417,432 crush [n2] infatuation beguin, desire, flame, love affair, passion, puppy love*, torch; concept 20 Ant. dislike,… … New thesaurus
crush — [krush] vt. [ME crushen < OFr croisir, to gnash (teeth), crash, break < Frank * krostjan, to gnash; akin to OSwed krysta, Goth kriustan] 1. to press between two opposing forces so as to break or injure; put out of shape or condition by… … English World dictionary
powder — [n] fine, loose grains made by crushing a solid crumb, dust, film, grain, grit, meal, particle, pounce, pulverulence, seed, talc; concepts 471,831 Ant. solid powder [v] crush into fine grains; sprinkle fine grains abrade, bray, comminute, cover,… … New thesaurus
crush — crush1 [krʌʃ] v [T] [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: cruisir] 1.) to press something so hard that it breaks or is damaged ▪ His leg was crushed in the accident. ▪ Two people were crushed to death in the rush to escape. 2.) to press… … Dictionary of contemporary English
crush — 1 verb (T) 1 to press something so hard that it breaks or is damaged: His leg was crushed in the accident. | be crushed to death (=die by being crushed): Two people were crushed to death in the rush to escape. 2 to press something in order to… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
crush — crushable, adj. crushability, n. crushably, adv. crusher, n. /krush/, v.t. 1. to press or squeeze with a force that destroys or deforms. 2. to squeeze or pound into small fragments or particles, as ore, stone, etc. 3. to force out by pressing or… … Universalium
powder — n 1. dust, pounce, fine grains, loose particles, flour, meal, grain, farina, bran; sawdust, filings, grounds, crumbs; grit, soot, dirt. 2. gunpowder, ammunition, explosive, black powder, dynamite, cordite, Ail Chem. TNT, trinitrotoluene,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
powder — Synonyms and related words: Ballistite, TNT, abrade, abscond, absquatulate, air pollution, atomize, attritus, balm, balsam, base, beat, besprinkle, bran, bray, bread, break up, brecciate, buck, cellulose nitrate, clown white, coat, cold cream,… … Moby Thesaurus
powder — I (Roget s IV) n. Syn. particles, film, pulverulence, powderiness, explosive powder, medicinal powder, cosmetic powder; see also cosmetic , explosive , medicine 2 . • keep one s powder dry*, Syn. be ready, be prepared, alert oneself; see prepare… … English dictionary for students
crush — v 1. squash, mash, press down, compress, cramp, constrict, tighten; squeeze, pinch, bruise, contuse; crumple, rumple, wrinkle. 2. pound, grind, smash, shiver, splinter, shatter, pulverize, granulate, powder, triturate, comminute, reduce to… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
crush — v. & n. 1 compress with force or violence, so as to break, bruise, etc. 2 reduce to powder by pressure. 3 crease or crumple by rough handling. 4 defeat or subdue completely (crushed by my reply). n. 1 an act of crushing. 2 a crowded mass of … Useful english dictionary