Смотреть что такое "cruse" в других словарях:
Cruse — may refer to: Cruse (name), surname (includes a list of people with this name) Cruse Bereavement Care, UK charity Cruse De Ocoa, small town in the Dominican Republic Cruse Memorial Heliport, private heliport in Douglas County, Oregon, United… … Wikipedia
Cruse — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Cruse (1803–1873), Pharmakologe und Prorektor (1857/58) an der Königsberger Universität Albertina Eduard Cruse (1873–1961), deutscher Offizier bei der Schutztruppe in Deutsch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cruse — (kr?s), n. [Akin to LG. kruus, kroos, mug, jug, jar, D. kroes, G. krause, Icel. krus, Sw. krus, Dan. kruus. Cf. {Crucible}, {Cresset}.] 1. A cup or dish. [1913 Webster] Take with thee . . . a cruse of honey. 1 Kings xiv. 3. [1913 Webster] 2. A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cruse — [kro͞os, kro͞oz] n. [ME crouse < OE cruse, akin to MDu cruyse, ON krus, Ger krause, pot with lid] a small container for liquids such as water, oil, honey, or wine … English World dictionary
cruse — small vessel for liquids, early 15c., perhaps related to O.N. krus pot, tankard, from a general Germanic root of unknown origin. Cf. M.Du. cruese, Du. kroes cup, pot, mug, M.L.G. krus, Dan. krus mug, jug, Ger. Krause jug, mug … Etymology dictionary
Cruse — This interesting surname, with variant spellings Crew, Cruise, Cruse, Cruwys and Crouse may be of three possible origins. Firstly, it may be of English locational origin from Crewe , in Cheshire, recorded as Crev , in the Domesday Book of 1086,… … Surnames reference
cruse — noun Etymology: Middle English; akin to Old English crūse pitcher Date: 13th century a small vessel (as a jar or pot) for holding a liquid (as water or oil) … New Collegiate Dictionary
cruse — /kroohz, kroohs/, n. an earthen pot, bottle, etc., for liquids. [1225 75; ME crouse (OE cruse; c. G Krause pot with lid), conflated with croo (OE crog, croh; c. G Krug jug)] * * * … Universalium
crúse — f? ( an/ an) cruse … Old to modern English dictionary
cruse — [[t]kruz, krus[/t]] n. cer an earthen pot, bottle, etc., for liquids • Etymology: 1225–75; ME crouse (OE crūse, c. G Krause pot with lid), conflated with ME croo (OE crōg, crōh, c. G Krug jug) … From formal English to slang
cruse — n. archaic an earthenware pot or jar. Etymology: OE cruse, of unkn. orig … Useful english dictionary