Crupper — attached to the back of a saddle A crupper ( / … Wikipedia
Crupper — Crup per, v. t. To fit with a crupper; to place a crupper upon; as, to crupper a horse. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Crupper — Crup per (kr?p p?r in U.S.; kr?p ?r in Eng.), n. [F. croupi?re, fr. croupe. See {Croup} the rump of a horse.] [Written also {crouper}.] 1. The buttocks or rump of a horse. [1913 Webster] 2. A leather loop, passing under a horse s tail, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crupper — ► NOUN ▪ a strap buckled to the back of a saddle and looped under the horse s tail to prevent the saddle or harness from slipping forward. ORIGIN Old French cropiere; related to CROUP(Cf. ↑croup) … English terms dictionary
crupper — [krup′ər, kroop′ər] n. [ME crouper < OFr cropiere < crope, rump < Frank * kruppa: see CROP] 1. a padded leather strap passed around the base of a horse s tail and attached to the saddle or harness to keep it from moving forward: see… … English World dictionary
crupper — noun /ˈkɹʌpə/ a) A strap used to stop a saddle from slipping. he eſpied a mules crupper, which hung to the ceiling of the room; this he took down, and tendering it to Don Quixote, went on, ſaying... b) The buttocks or rump, especially of a horse … Wiktionary
crupper — noun Etymology: Middle English cruper, from Anglo French crupere, from crupe, croupe hindquarters more at croup Date: 14th century 1. a leather loop passing under a horse s tail and buckled to the saddle 2. croup I; broadly buttocks … New Collegiate Dictionary
crupper — /krup euhr, kroop /, n. 1. a leather strap fastened to the saddle of a harness and looping under the tail of a horse to prevent the harness from slipping forward. See illus. under harness. 2. the rump or buttocks of a horse. 3. armor for the rump … Universalium
crupper — Synonyms and related words: back band, backside, backstrap, bearing rein, behind, bellyband, bit, blinders, blinds, breeching, bridle, butt, buttocks, caparison, cavesson, checkrein, cheekpiece, chinband, cinch, collar, croup, crownband, curb,… … Moby Thesaurus
crupper — see CROP … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
crupper — sb. (of a saddle). Alys. 3421 … Oldest English Words