
ˈkrʌmpɪt сущ.
1) лепешка, пышка (обычно неподслащенная)
2) разг. башка barmy on the crumpet ≈ безрассудный, сумасбродный;
3) сл. милашка, пышечка, пончик (о привлекательной женщине) n
1) слойка, пышка;

2) сл. голова, башка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "crumpet" в других словарях:

  • Crumpet — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un crumpet untado de mantequilla. Un crumpet es una especie de pastel elaborado con harina y levadura. En algunas partes de Gran Bretaña se suele usar el término Pikelet en vez de crumpet para referirse a éste. S …   Wikipedia Español

  • crumpet — crump et (kr[u^]mp [e^]t), n. [Prob. from W. crempog, crammwgth, a pancake or fritter.] 1. A kind of large, thin, unsweetened muffin or cake, light and spongy, and cooked on a griddle or spider, or sometimes toasted. [1913 Webster] 2. a sexually… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • crumpet — 1690s, perhaps from crompid cake wafer, lit. curled up cake (1382; Wyclif s rendering of Heb. raqiq in Ex. 29:23), from crompid, pp. of crumpen curl up. Alternative etymology is from Celtic (Cf. Breton krampoez thin, flat cake ). Slang meaning… …   Etymology dictionary

  • crumpet — ► NOUN 1) a thick, flat cake with a soft, porous texture, eaten toasted and buttered. 2) Brit. informal women regarded as objects of sexual desire. ORIGIN of unknown origin …   English terms dictionary

  • crumpet — [krum′pit] n. [prob. < ME crompid (cake) < OE crompeht, flat cake, lit., full of crumples, wrinkled < crump, twisted: for IE base see CRUMB] a small, unsweetened batter cake baked on a griddle: it is usually toasted before serving …   English World dictionary

  • Crumpet — For the Macy s elf played by David Sedaris, see SantaLand Diaries. For the sport, see field crumpets. A buttered crumpet A crumpet /ˈkrʌmpɨt/ ( …   Wikipedia

  • Crumpet — Heiße englische Crumpets. Ein englischer Crumpet ist ein Kuchen, hergestellt aus Mehl und Hefe. Crumpets werden hauptsächlich in Großbritannien, jedoch auch in den ehemaligen Kolonien Großbritanniens verzehrt. In Schottland bezeichnet Crumpet… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Crumpet — Crumpets chauds, beurrés Un crumpet est une pâtisserie faite de farine et levure. On le consomme principalement au Royaume Uni, mais aussi dans tout le Commonwealth. Étymologie Les crumpets sont une invention anglo saxonne. Dans les premiers… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • crumpet — n British a woman, or women viewed collectively as sex objects. Crumpet or a bit of crumpet date from the last decade of the 19th century and conform to a much older pattern of likening women to cakes (e.g. tart), delicacies (e.g. crackling), etc …   Contemporary slang

  • Crumpet — 1. woman considered as a sexual object: a nice bit of crumpet ; 2. (of a male) sexual intercourse with a woman: Had any crumpet lately? ; 3. head: soft in the crumpet …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • crumpet — Australian Slang 1. woman considered as a sexual object: a nice bit of crumpet ; 2. (of a male) sexual intercourse with a woman: Had any crumpet lately? ; 3. head: soft in the crumpet …   English dialects glossary

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