crude production
Смотреть что такое "crude production" в других словарях:
crude — 01. An oil refinery serves to make gasoline from [crude] oil. 02. The guy is really [crude], so the women in the office really hate him. 03. The prisoner made a [crude] weapon out of parts from his bed frame. 04. The [crudely] made bomb exploded… … Grammatical examples in English
Crude (album) — Crude Studio album by Bongshang Released 19th Nov 1993 Recorded Garrison Theatre, Lerwick … Wikipedia
Crude oil washing — (COW) is washing out the residue from the tanks of an oil tanker using the crude oil cargo itself, after the cargo tanks have been emptied. Crude Oil is pumped back and preheated in the slop tanks, then sprayed back via high pressure nozzles in… … Wikipedia
Crude (2009 film) — Crude Film still Directed by Joe Berlinger Produced by Joe Berlinger Mi … Wikipedia
Crude Oil (film) — Crude Oil Directed by Wang Bing Editing by Guo Hengqi Distributed by Wil Productions Release date(s) … Wikipedia
Crude (2007 film) — Crude (2007) is a 90 minute long feature documentary made by Australian filmmaker Richard Smith attempting to explain the links between formation, extraction and refining as well the link between geology and economy. The film features interviews… … Wikipedia
Crude Set Drama — Screenshot from the film Directed by Birt Acres Produced by … Wikipedia
Production sharing agreement — Production sharing agreements (PSAs) are a common type of contract signed between a government and a resource extraction company (or group of companies) concerning how much of the resource (usually oil) extracted from the country each will… … Wikipedia
Crude oil assay — A crude oil assay is essentially the chemical evaluation of crude oil feedstocks by petroleum testing laboratories. Each crude oil type has unique molecular, chemical characteristics. No crude oil type is identical and there are crucial… … Wikipedia
Benchmark (crude oil) — Crude oil benchmarks, also known as oil markers, were first introduced in the mid 1980s. There are three primary benchmarks, WTI, Brent Blend, and Dubai. Other well known blends include the Opec basket used by OPEC, Tapis Crude which is traded in … Wikipedia
crude — ▪ I. crude crude 1 [kruːd] adjective 1. MANUFACTURING crude oil/sugar etc crude oil, sugar etc is in a natural condition, before it has been treated in an industrial process: • 300 million tons of crude oil 2. not calculated very exactly … Financial and business terms