crude estimate
Смотреть что такое "crude estimate" в других словарях:
crude — crude1 [kru:d] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: crudus raw, rough, cruel ] 1.) not exact or without any detail, but generally correct and useful →↑approximate ▪ a crude estimate of the population available for work 2.) not developed to a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
crude — adj. & n. adj. 1 a in the natural or raw state; not refined. b rough, unpolished; lacking finish. 2 a (of an action or statement or manners) rude, blunt. b offensive, indecent (a crude gesture). 3 a Statistics (of figures) not adjusted or… … Useful english dictionary
crude — ► ADJECTIVE 1) in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined. 2) (of an estimate or guess) likely to be only approximately accurate. 3) rudimentary or makeshift. 4) offensively coarse or rude. ► NOUN ▪ natural mineral oil. DERIVATIVES … English terms dictionary
crude — adjective 1》 in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined: crude oil. 2》 made or done in a rudimentary or makeshift way: a relatively crude nuclear weapon. ↘(of an estimate) approximate. 3》 offensively coarse or rude, especially in … English new terms dictionary
World Production of Crude Steel, Table — ▪ Table In 000 metric tons 1993 Percent First change Country 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 9 months 1993/92 World 780,062 786,182 769,991 733,734 722,284 * * Soviet Union/CIS 163,037 160,096 154,414 132,666 118,302 72,867 14.7 Japan 105,681 107,908… … Universalium
Demographics of Palestine — The Demographics of Palestine refers to the demography, or the statistical study of the population of Palestine. Studies of the subject can cover a wide historical and geographical scope, with the definition of Palestine varying throughout the… … Wikipedia
Heritability — is the proportion of phenotypic variation in a population that is due to genetic variation between individuals. Phenotypic variation among individuals may be due to genetic, environmental factors, and/or random chance[1]. Heritability analyzes… … Wikipedia
Wilkinson's polynomial — In numerical analysis, Wilkinson s polynomial is a specific polynomial which was used by James H. Wilkinson in 1963 to illustrate a difficulty when finding the root of a polynomial: the location of the roots can be very sensitive to perturbations … Wikipedia
Black body — As the temperature decreases, the peak of the blackbody radiation curve moves to lower intensities and longer wavelengths. The blackbody radiation graph is also compared with the classical model of Rayleigh and Jeans … Wikipedia
radiation — radiational, adj. /ray dee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves. b. the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and… … Universalium
Surplus product — Part of a series on Marxism … Wikipedia