- crucial experiment
- мат. решающий эксперимент
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
crucial experiment — An experiment held to decide with certainty between two rival hypotheses about some matter. Famous examples include Eddington s observation of the bend ing of light rays by the sun during the eclipse of 1919, held to decisively uphold general… … Philosophy dictionary
crucial experiment — an experiment so designed and so prepared for by previous work that it will definitely settle some point … Medical dictionary
crucial — crucial, iale, iaux [ krysjal, jo ] adj. • 1560; du lat. crux, crucis→ croix 1 ♦ Didact. Fait en croix. Incision cruciale. 2 ♦ (du lat. experimentum crucis, de F. Bacon, « expérience de la croix », par allus. aux poteaux indicateurs des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
crucial — [ kru:ʃ(ə)l] adjective 1》 decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something. 2》 informal excellent. Derivatives cruciality ʃɪ alɪti noun crucially adverb Word History The word crucial entered English in the 18th … English new terms dictionary
crucial — cruciality /krooh shee al i tee, krooh shal /, n. crucially, adv. /krooh sheuhl/, adj. 1. involving an extremely important decision or result; decisive; critical: a crucial experiment. 2. severe; trying. 3. of the form of a cross; cross shaped.… … Universalium
crucial — cru•cial [[t]ˈkru ʃəl[/t]] adj. 1) of vital or critical importance, esp. with regard to a decision or result: a crucial experiment[/ex] 2) archaic shaped like a cross; cruciform • Etymology: 1700–10; < L cruci , s. of crux cross+ al I cru… … From formal English to slang
crucial — /ˈkruʃəl / (say kroohshuhl) adjective 1. involving a final and supreme decision; decisive; critical: a crucial experiment. 2. severe; trying. 3. of the form of a cross; cross shaped. {cruci (from Latin, combining form of crux cross) + al1}… …
Experiment — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Experiment >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 experiment experiment Sgm: N 1 essay essay &c.(attempt) 675 Sgm: N 1 analysis analysis &c.(investigation) 461 Sgm: N 1 trial trial tentative method tΔtonnement … English dictionary for students
check experiment — crucial e … Medical dictionary
Popper's experiment — is an experiment proposed by the 20th century philosopher of science Karl Popper, to test the standard interpretation (the Copenhagen interpretation) of Quantum mechanics.cite book last = Popper first = Karl authorlink = Karl Popper title =… … Wikipedia
Blind experiment — A blind or blinded experiment is a scientific experiment where some of the people involved are prevented from knowing certain information that might lead to conscious or subconscious bias on their part, invalidating the results. For example, when … Wikipedia