Смотреть что такое "crout" в других словарях:
Crout — (krout), n. [G. kraut.] See {Sourkrout}. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crout — /krowt/ noun same as ↑sauerkraut … Useful english dictionary
Crout matrix decomposition — In linear algebra, the Crout matrix decomposition is an LU decomposition which decomposes a matrix into a lower triangular matrix (L), an upper triangular matrix (U) and, although not always needed, a permutation matrix (P). The Crout matrix… … Wikipedia
CROUT — (Crowd, crwth, произн. кроут), cм. Кротта … Музыкальный словарь Римана
Henry Crout — (fl. 1612 mdash; 1617) settler, explorer was most likely from Devon in the English West Country. He became an investor in the London and Bristol Company and acted as Sir Percival Willoughby agent and guardian to his son Thomas at the Cuper s Cove … Wikipedia
sour-crout — sourˈ crout see ↑sauerkraut • • • Main Entry: ↑sour … Useful english dictionary
sour crout — … Useful english dictionary
Star Trek: Hidden Frontier — Seriendaten Originaltitel Star Trek: Hidden Frontier Produktionsland USA … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pyruvate decarboxylase — is a homotetrameric enzyme (EC number| that catalyses the decarboxylation of pyruvic acid to acetaldehyde and Pyruvate decarboxylase with TPP attached Structure This enzyme contains a beta alpha beta structure, yielding parallel beta… … Wikipedia
Cuper's Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador — Cuper s Cove, on the southwest shore of Conception Bay on Newfoundland s Avalon Peninsula was an early English settlement in the New World, and the second one after the Jamestown Settlement to endure for longer than a year. It was established in… … Wikipedia
LU decomposition — In linear algebra, LU decomposition (also called LU factorization) is a matrix decomposition which writes a matrix as the product of a lower triangular matrix and an upper triangular matrix. The product sometimes includes a permutation matrix as… … Wikipedia