
перекрестная проверка (результата, напр., пересчета на другой машине) перекрестная проверка cross-validation вчт. перекрестная проверка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cross-validation" в других словарях:

  • Cross-validation — could refer to: Cross validation (statistics), a technique for estimating the performance of a predictive model; Cross validation (analytical chemistry), the practice of confirming an experimental finding by repeating the experiment using an… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross validation — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt bedarf einer Überarbeitung. Näheres ist auf der Diskussionsseite angegeben. Hilf mit, ihn zu verbessern, und entferne anschließend diese Markierung. Kreuzvalidierungsverfahren sind Testverfahren der Statistik, die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cross-validation (statistics) — Cross validation, sometimes called rotation estimation,[1][2][3] is a technique for assessing how the results of a statistical analysis will generalize to an independent data set. It is mainly used in settings where the goal is prediction, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross-validation (analytical chemistry) — Cross validation is an approach by which the sets of scientific data generated using two or more methods are critically assessed [1]. The cross validation can be categorized as method validation [1] analytical data validaion[citation needed] See… …   Wikipedia

  • cross-validation — /kraws val i day sheuhn, kros /, n. Statistics. a process by which a method that works for one sample of a population is checked for validity by applying the method to another sample from the same population. * * * …   Universalium

  • cross-validation — noun Any technique or instance of assessing how the results of a statistical analysis will generalize to an independent dataset. Syn: rotation estimation …   Wiktionary

  • cross-validation — /kraws val i day sheuhn, kros /, n. Statistics. a process by which a method that works for one sample of a population is checked for validity by applying the method to another sample from the same population …   Useful english dictionary

  • Validation croisée — La validation croisée[1](« cross validation ») est une méthode d’estimation de fiabilité d’un modèle fondé sur une technique d’échantillonnage. En fait, il y a au moins trois techniques de validation croisée : « testset… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Validation — The word validation has several uses: * In common usage, validation is the process of checking if something satisfies a certain criterion. Examples would include checking if a statement is true (validity), if an appliance works as intended, if a… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross-site request forgery — Cross site request forgery, also known as a one click attack or session riding and abbreviated as CSRF (pronounced sea surf[1]) or XSRF, is a type of malicious exploit of a website whereby unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross-Site Scripting — (XSS) bezeichnet das Ausnutzen einer Computersicherheitslücke in Webanwendungen, indem Informationen aus einem Kontext, in dem sie nicht vertrauenswürdig sind, in einen anderen Kontext eingefügt werden, in dem sie als vertrauenswürdig eingestuft… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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