Смотреть что такое "cross-screen" в других словарях:
Cross-matching — Intervention MeSH D001788 Cross matching blood, in transfusion medicine, refers to the complex testing that is performed prior to a blood transfusion, to determine if the donor s blood is compatible with the blood of an intended … Wikipedia
Screen-printing — is a printing technique that uses a woven mesh to support an ink blocking stencil. The attached stencil forms open areas of mesh that transfer ink as a sharp edged image onto a substrate. A roller or squeegee is moved across the screen stencil… … Wikipedia
Cross-site scripting — (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications that enables attackers to inject client side script into Web pages viewed by other users. A cross site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to… … Wikipedia
Cross (novel) — Cross is James Patterson s twelfth book featuring his most famous character, Alex Cross. Contents 1 Plot summary 1.1 Part 1 1.2 Part 2 1.3 Part 3 … Wikipedia
Cross-browser — refers to the ability for a website, web application, HTML construct or client side script to support all the web browsers. The term cross browser is often confused with multi browser. Multi browser is a new paradigm in web development that… … Wikipedia
Screen media practice research — is an emerging research area situated primarily within Media Studies, Communications, Cultural Studies, Art and Design, Performing Arts departments in universities in the UK and around the world. It is difficult to define screen media practice… … Wikipedia
Cross Racing Championship Extreme 2005 — Developer(s) Invictus Games Publisher(s) Invictus Games Series CRC Platform(s) … Wikipedia
Screen Actors Guild Award de la meilleure distribution pour une série comique — Le Screen Actors Guild Award de la meilleure distribution pour une série comique est le prix remis chaque année par la Screen Actors Guild aux États Unis lors de la cérémonie annuelle des Screen Actors Guild Awards. Sommaire 1 Palmarès 1.1 Années … Wikipédia en Français
Cross Hall — The Cross Hall, looking east White House State Floor showing … Wikipedia
Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series — The Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series is an award given by the Screen Actors Guild to honor the finest acting achievements in Comedy Series.Winners and nominees1990s*1994: Seinfeld , Jason… … Wikipedia
Screen Actors Guild Awards 2006 — Die 12. Verleihung der US amerikanischen Screen Actors Guild Awards im Jahr 2006, die die Screen Actors Guild jedes Jahr in den Bereichen Film (5 Kategorien) und Fernsehen (8 Kategorien) vergibt, fand am 29. Januar 2006 im Los Angeles Shrine… … Deutsch Wikipedia