

1) оторцовка
2) поперечная распиловка
3) лес. раскрыжовка
4) раскряжевкаrotary cross-cutting machine ≈ ротационная листорезка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cross-cutting" в других словарях:

  • Cross-cutting — This article is about a filming technique. For other terms, see Cross cut (disambiguation). Cross cutting is an editing technique most often used in films to establish action occurring at the same time in two different locations. In a cross cut,… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross Cutting — For other uses, see Cross cut. Cross cutting Even though most classes in an object oriented programming model will perform a single, specific function, they often share common, secondary requirements with other classes. These secondary… …   Wikipedia

  • cross-cutting — /ˈkrɒs kʌtɪŋ/ (say kros kuting) adjective related; connected: cross cutting issues. Also, (especially in predicative use), cross cutting /krɒs ˈkʌtɪŋ/ (say kros kuting) …  

  • Cross-cutting — Eine Parallelmontage (engl. cross cutting) ist eine Technik der Filmmontage, bei der die aufeinanderfolgenden Einstellungen zwischen zwei oder mehr Handlungssträngen hin und her springen. Die Parallelmontage wurde bereits in frühen Filmen, wie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cross-cutting relationships — Cross cutting relations can be used to determine the relative ages of rock strata and other geological structures. Explanations: A folded rock strata cut by a thrust fault; B large intrusion (cutting through A); C erosional angular unconformity… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross-cutting cleavage — is a political term that refers to factors in society which cause division (such as race, political, religious divisions etc) in such a way that no group created by one cleavage is wholly contained within a group created by another hence cross… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross-Cutting Concern — (CCC) ist ein Begriff der Informatik, der im Kontext des Teile und Herrsche Prinzips so genannte querschnittliche Belange einer Software bezeichnet, die deshalb nicht einfach modularisiert werden können, weil herkömmliche Modularisierungsansätze… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cross-cutting concern — In computer science, cross cutting concerns are aspects of a program which affect other concerns. These concerns often cannot be cleanly decomposed from the rest of the system in both the design and implementation, and can result in either… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross-Cutting Programs Committee — The Cross Cutting Programs Committee of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council for the African Union deals with issues not explicitly dealt with by other committees. They are: HIV/AIDS. International cooperation. Coordination with institutions …   Wikipedia

  • cross-cutting —   the editing technique of alternating, interweaving, or interspersing one narrative action (scene, sequence, or event) with another usually in different locations or places, thus combining the two; this editing method suggests parallel action… …   Glossary of cinematic terms

  • Cross-cutting — Поперечная разрезка (картона, ленты) …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

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