cross ventilation
Смотреть что такое "cross ventilation" в других словарях:
cross — [krôs, kräs] n. [< ME cros & crois; cros < OE cros & ON kross, both < OIr cros < L crux (gen. crucis), a cross < IE * kreuk , extension of base * (s)ker , to turn, bend > L curvus; ME crois < OFr < L crux] 1. an upright… … English World dictionary
ventilation — Synonyms and related words: aerage, aeration, air conditioning, air cooling, airing, analysis, bandying, book, broadcast, broadcasting, bruiting, bruiting about, buzz session, canvassing, circulation, colloquium, confabulation, conference,… … Moby Thesaurus
Cross City Tunnel — Overview Start New South Head Road End Western Distributor Operation Work begun … Wikipedia
Cross Mountain Mine disaster — Cross Mountain Miners Circle U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy — … Wikipedia
cross-ven|ti|la|tion — «KRS VEHN tuh LAY shuhn, KROS », noun. ventilation from two sources, as opposite windows in a room … Useful english dictionary
Cross-Harbor Rail Tunnel — The Cross Harbor Rail Tunnel (also known as the Cross Harbor Rail Freight Tunnel) is a proposed freight rail transport tunnel under Upper New York Bay in the Port of New York and New Jersey between northeastern New Jersey and Long Island,… … Wikipedia
Cross Mountain Mine Disaster — Infobox nrhp name =Cross Mountain Miners Circle nrhp type = caption = Cross Mountain Miners Circle location = Briceville, Tennessee nearest city = lat degrees = lat minutes = lat seconds = lat direction = long degrees = long minutes = long… … Wikipedia
ventilation — n 1. air, airing, aerification, oxygen; circulation, cross breeze, breeze, draft; air conditioning. 2. expression, utterance, announcement, declaration, vent. See vent II(def. 1). 3. discussion, exchange of ideas, Sl. rap, Sl. rap session, Sl.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
cross heading — noun : a short opening connecting the gangway in a mine with the airway used for ventilation … Useful english dictionary
Natural ventilation — The ventilation system of a regular earthship. Natural ventilation is the process of supplying and removing air through an indoor space without using mechanical systems. It refers to the flow of external air to an indoor space as a result of wind … Wikipedia