cross references
Смотреть что такое "cross references" в других словарях:
Cross for Courage and Fidelity — The cross for Courage and Fidelity. Awarded by … Wikipedia
cross-reference — cross references, cross referencing, cross referenced 1) N COUNT A cross reference is a note in a book which tells you that there is relevant or more detailed information in another part of the book. 2) VERB: usu passive If something such as a… … English dictionary
cross-in|dex — cross index, an index of cross references. cross in|dex «KRS IHN dehks, KROS », transitive verb. 1. to index (a reference) under another heading as a cross reference. 2. to provide (a book, periodical, or index) with cross references. –v.i. to be … Useful english dictionary
cross-index — cross′ in′dex v. t. 1) to provide with cross references or with a cross referenced index 2) to provide cross references • Etymology: 1890–95 cross′ in′dex, n … From formal English to slang
Cross of Merit (Netherlands) — Cross of Merit A Cross of Merit. There are several issues and types of this decoration. Awarded by … Wikipedia
cross-ref|er|ence — «KRS REHF uhr uhns, KROS ; REHF ruhns», noun, verb, enced, enc|ing. –n. a reference from one part of a book, index, or table, to another. “See picture under bit3,” at brace, is a cross reference. –v.t. 1. to provide with cross references: »Well… … Useful english dictionary
cross-reference — [krôs′ref′ər əns] n. a reference from one part of a book, catalog, index, etc. to another part, for additional information vt. cross referenced, cross referencing 1. to provide (an index, reference book, etc.) with systematic cross references 2.… … English World dictionary
cross-index — v. t. to provide cross references in (a book or other document). Syn: cross reference. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cross-reference — [ US ˈ. ˌ...] n [U and C] a note that tells the reader of a book to go to another place in the book, to get further information ▪ The book has clear cross references and a good index. >cross reference v [T] … Dictionary of contemporary English
cross-reference — cross′ ref′erence v. t. ref•er•enced, ref•er•enc•ing 1) cvb to provide with cross references 2) cvb to cross refer • Etymology: 1900–05 … From formal English to slang
cross-index — [krôs′in΄deks΄] vt., vi. to provide (a reference book, index, etc.) with systematic cross references … English World dictionary