cross border
Смотреть что такое "cross border" в других словарях:
cross-border — ˈcross ˌborder adjective [only before a noun] cross border buying, selling etc involves organizations in two or more countries: • cross border mergers between companies within the EU • They want simpler regulations in order to make cross border… … Financial and business terms
Cross border — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cross border Deporte Rugby País Chile … Wikipedia Español
cross-border — cross .border adj [only before noun] relating to activity across a border between two countries cross border trade/business etc cross border attack/raid … Dictionary of contemporary English
cross-border — /kraws bawr deuhr, kros /, adj. crossing an international border: cross border tourist traffic. [1890 95, for an earlier sense] * * * ˈcross border f108 [cross border] adjective only before noun involving activity across a border between two… … Useful english dictionary
cross-border — 1) ADJ: ADJ n Cross border trade occurs between companies in different countries. Currency conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross border trade... The stock market is convinced more cross border deals will take place. Syn:… … English dictionary
cross-border — /kraws bawr deuhr, kros /, adj. crossing an international border: cross border tourist traffic. [1890 95, for an earlier sense] * * * … Universalium
cross-border — adj. Cross border is used with these nouns: ↑investment, ↑raid, ↑terrorism, ↑trade, ↑transaction … Collocations dictionary
Cross Border Leasing — (CBL) ist das Leasing über Nationengrenzen hinweg. Leasinggeber und Leasingnehmer haben ihren Sitz also in steuerrechtlich unterschiedlichen Staaten. Aus der Internationalität der Verträge ergaben sich für Unternehmen umstrittene steuerrechtliche … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cross-Border-Leasing — (CBL) ist ein Leasing, bei dem der Leasinggeber und der Leasingnehmer ihren Sitz in verschiedenen Staaten haben. In der Regel wird CBL genutzt, um eine unterschiedliche Gesetzgebung in zwei Ländern zu nutzen und dadurch Steuern zu sparen bzw. zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cross-border leasing — is a leasing arrangement where lessor and lessee are situated in different countries. This presents significant additional issues related to tax avoidance and tax shelters. Cross border leasing has been widely used in some European countries, to… … Wikipedia
Cross Border Trio — (l to r: Rob Thorsen, Jason Robinson, Paquito Villa) Background information Origin USA and Mexico … Wikipedia