Смотреть что такое "crocidolite" в других словарях:
Crocidolite — La crocidolite est une variété de riébeckite, inosilicate de la famille des amphiboles de formule Na2FeIII2FeII3Si8O22(OH)2. C est un amiante, souvent appelé amiante bleu. Une … Wikipédia en Français
crocidolite — ● crocidolite nom féminin (grec krokus, udos, duvet) Variété d asbeste appartenant au groupe des amphiboles, très cancérogène. ● crocidolite (synonymes) nom féminin (grec krokus, udos, duvet) Variété d asbeste appartenant au groupe des amphiboles … Encyclopédie Universelle
Crocidolite — Cro*cid o*lite (kr? s?d ? l?t), n. [Gr. kroky s nap on cloth + lite.] (Min.) A mineral occuring in silky fibers of a lavender blue color. It is related to hornblende and is essentially a silicate of iron and soda; called also {blue asbestus}. A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crocidolite — [krō sid′ l īt΄] n. [< Gr krokis (gen. krokidos), var. of krokys, nap on woolen cloth (akin to krekein, to weave: see REEL3) + LITE] a bluish, fibrous amphibole, Na2 (Fe,Mg) 5Si8O22 (OH) 2, that is a type of asbestos … English World dictionary
crocidolite — /kroh sid l uyt /, n. Mineral. a bluish, asbestine variety of riebeckite. Also called blue asbestos. [1825 35; < Gk krokid (s. of krokís) nap, wool + O + LITE] * * * or blue asbestos Gray blue to green, highly fibrous (asbestiform) form of the… … Universalium
crocidolite asbestos — crocidolite … Medical dictionary
crocidolite — krokidolitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Amfibolų grupės pluoštinis mineralas. atitikmenys: angl. crocidolite; riebeckite asbestos rus. крокидолит; рибекитовый асбест ryšiai: sinonimas – ribekito asbestas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
crocidolite — noun Etymology: German Krokydolith, from Greek krokyd , krokys nap on cloth (akin to Greek krekein to weave) + German lith lite more at reel Date: 1835 a lavender blue or light green mineral of the amphibole group that occurs in silky fibers and… … New Collegiate Dictionary
crocidolite — noun A fibrous, blue green mineral that is an asbestos like form of riebeckite … Wiktionary
crocidolite — cro·ci·do·lite .krō sī də .līt, sid ə n a purplish blue to greenish mineral of the amphibole group that causes asbestosis and cancer in the form of mesotheliomas called also blue asbestos * * * cro·cid·o·lite (krə sidґə līt) a… … Medical dictionary
crocidolite — pl.f. crocidoliti … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari