
ˈkrɪtɪsɪzm сущ.
1) критика (определение достоинств и недостатков;
неблагоприятная оценка, нападки) criticism of the next generations ≈ критика следующих поколений beneath criticism destructive criticism Syn : disapproval
2) критика (анализ, истолкование и оценка литературных и художественных произведений)
3) филос. критицизм (критическая философия Канта)
4) критический отзыв, критическая статья;
рецензия Syn : a critical remark, comment;
a critical essay, critique критика - slashing * уничтожающая критика - beneath * ниже всякой критики - to be open to * давать повод для критики;
не возражать против критики литературно-художественная критика - literary * литературная критика критический разбор;
критическая статья (философское) кантианство criticism критика;
beneath criticism ниже всякой критики;
destructive criticism уничтожающая критика ~ критика ~ критический разбор, критическая статья criticism критика;
beneath criticism ниже всякой критики;
destructive criticism уничтожающая критика informed ~ справедливая критика maintain ~ критиковать textual ~ текстология, критическое изучение текста (особ. с целью восстановления его первоначальной формы) textual: textual текстовой;
относящийся к тексту;
textual criticism текстология, критическое изучение текста (особ. с целью восстановления его первоначальной формы)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "criticism" в других словарях:

  • Criticism — is the judgement of the merits and faults of the work or actions of an individual or group by another (the critic). To criticize does not necessarily imply to find fault, but the word is often taken to mean the simple expression of an objection… …   Wikipedia

  • criticism — criticism, critique, review, blurb, puff are comparable when meaning a discourse (as an essay or report) presenting one s conçlusions after examining a work of art and especially of literature. None of these terms has a clearly established and… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Criticism — Crit i*cism (kr?t ? s?z m), n. 1. The rules and principles which regulate the practice of the critic; the art of judging with knowledge and propriety of the beauties and faults of a literary performance, or of a production in the fine arts; as,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • criticism — CRITICÍSM s.n. 1. Denumire dată de Kant şi de adepţii săi propriei lor doctrine filozofice, care considera că orice filozofie şi orice cunoaştere trebuie precedată de o critică a capacităţii de cunoaştere însăşi. 2. Tendinţă exagerată de a… …   Dicționar Român

  • criticism — in everyday use means ‘finding fault’, although strictly criticism can be favourable as well as unfavourable. The sense is more neutral in terms such as literary criticism and textual criticism …   Modern English usage

  • Criticism of C++ — Criticism of the C++ programming language refers to critical commentary directed at the C++ programming language, an evolution of the C programming language. Some of the criticism of the C programming language is relevant to C++ as well. Legacy C …   Wikipedia

  • criticism — I noun abuse, accusation, admonition, adverse comment, analysis, animadversion, aspersion, blame, carping, caviling, censure, charge, chiding, commentary, complaining, complaint, condemnation, contravention, critical examination, critical remarks …   Law dictionary

  • criticism — [n1] interpretation, analysis appraisal, appreciation, assessment, comment, commentary, critique, elucidation, essay, estimate, evaluation, examination, exposition, judgment, notice, observation, opinion, pan*, rating, rave*, review, reviewal,… …   New thesaurus

  • criticism — c.1600, action of criticizing, from CRITIC (Cf. critic) + ISM (Cf. ism). Meaning art of estimating literary worth is from 1670s …   Etymology dictionary

  • criticism — ► NOUN 1) expression of disapproval; finding fault. 2) the critical assessment of literary or artistic works …   English terms dictionary

  • criticism — [krit′ə siz΄əm] n. 1. the act of making judgments; analysis of qualities and evaluation of comparative worth; esp., the critical consideration and judgment of literary or artistic work 2. a comment, review, article, etc. expressing such analysis… …   English World dictionary

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